Switch 11: Anyone using one?

FerryAnoid Member Posts: 43


Had the Switch 10 a few days and already it is driving me nuts with the Atom. Yes, I knew it would be slow but I decided to try and live with it for the convenience of the 2-in-1 concept. I just didn't realize how slow. Smiley Happy


Not blaming Acer or Intel as I know what the Atom is.


So, it might be return time and try an i3 or i5 Switch 11, I assume they are available.


Anyone with experience - yet?




  • Sharanji
    Sharanji ACE Posts: 4,644 Pathfinder

    Sorry to hear that you are having issue with your Acer switch.

    I suggest you to select the model number of your Switch in Acer support website and download and install the BIOS update You may also check if any frimware has been released by selecting  patches and install them. Here is the weblink : http://us.acer.com/ac/en/US/content/drivers

    I hope this helps! If this was useful, please hit 'Yes' or 'Like'! Thanks! 😊

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,659 Trailblazer

    I actually haven't heard of availability of the Switch 11 models yet, other than that they were going to be available in Latin America and Europe first.

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  • RFNM
    RFNM Member Posts: 24 Troubleshooter

    I'm from the UK. Took delivery of a Switch 11 on Monday. Seems reasonably swift with the i3 processor and 4GB RAM. The 60GB SSD is a concern for serious use but I have added a 64GB microSD for data storage, might try installing programs there and see how well they perform (I'm sure there will be a perfomanace hit). I was expecting 32bit Win8 as per the spec listed by the vendor but was pleasantly supprised to find that it's 64bit.


    They keyboard, whilst being useable, is a bit creaky and cheap feeling but if you already have a Switch 10 it's probably the same.


    Not intending this to be a desktop replacement but to be significantly more useable than the Samsung N130 netbook it replaces. My business requires that I can work as a digital gypsy when the need arises.


    Had precious little time to tinker with it yet and having removed all the Acer bloatware the trackpad started to play up. Not sure if this was really related to the bloatware or something else. Installed a few applications as well as Classic Shell. Anyway, did a full restore (not via the Acer app as I had removed that) using the Win8 restore function. Have reinstalled the same applications as before and all seems well now. Have yet to remove all Acer bloatware apart from 'Acer Quick Access' which was insisting on switching to an Acer theme on every start up :-( why do they do that, so annoying and a real waste of time finding out how to get around it... Grrr!


    Being the curious type, and seeing that the MS signature model (not available here) has an additional SSD in the keyboard/dock, I opened the keyboard up. Lo and behold there appears to be space and a connector in there. Just need to discover and source the correct cable (it looks like a proprietary one) and I'll be adding one myself.

  • charae32
    charae32 Member Posts: 26 New User
    Do you have a picture of where the Ram is? And do you know if the Ram is able to be upgraded? & is the hard drive upgradable? Because I want to get the switch 11, but the model I seen was 2 gb (not enough) & had a 32 gb hardrive (again not sufficient).
  • RFNM
    RFNM Member Posts: 24 Troubleshooter

    The RAM is obvioulsy in the tablet section, not the keyboard/dock. Sorry, didn't take that apart. Though I understand that the RAM, as well as the internal memory, is soldered to the main board and isn't upgradeable. However, I must point out that this information is anecdotal rather than proven fact.


    The reason I bought the SW5-171 model was for the i3 processor, 4GB of RAM and 60GB internal memory. None of these can be upgraded as far as I can establish. I have added another 64GB via an SD card and this seems to work well, I have MS Office 2010 installed there and this seems to run fine.


    This is not my primary machine and whilst a higher spec would be nice this is the best in the line-up that I can get here in the UK.


    As you saw on the other thread the SW5-171 has space in the dock for a hard drive or SSD. I now have a 256GB Crucial MX100 SSD sitting on my desk awaiting the arrival of an apparently suitable lead purchased off of eBay. I also enquired with Acer parts here in the UK regarding the specific lead. They got back to me with a part number (50.L66N5.001) and quote, a not too unreasonable 8 GBP though that excludes tax and significant shipping that doubles the price. I'll see if my eBay lead does the job and failing that will order the correct one from Acer.


    As the dock isn't always going to be connected I'll probably use the Crucial SSD for file storage and install programs on the SD card where the install routines allow this.


    I can see that there is an Intel i5 Signature model available from the US Microsoft store (this has the added advantage of no Acer bloat-ware, just a clean Win 8.1 install), this has 4GB of RAM as well as 128GB internal memory and a 500GB hard drive in the keyboard/dock. Seems to be a specially commissioned model for MS only. Premium price of $699, having said that it's not far off what I paid for mine here with a currecy exchange conversion. Unfortnately rip-off Britain would mean that it would be 699GBP. Cost of my SSD and cable is close to an additional 100GBP on top of the 450GBP I paid. There is a siganture model in the UK MS store but that's only a regular Switch 10... If I were in the US I would be buying the i5 MS SIgnature model for sure.

  • charae32
    charae32 Member Posts: 26 New User
    Thank you so much for your time & in depth response. I'm not computer expert, I just know that the model I was looking at didn't have nearly enough ram or hard drive space I would need.

    So the 256GB Crucial MX100 SSD you have will fit inside an acer aspire switch 11?
    And you said " i bought the SW5-171 model was for the i3 processor, 4GB of RAM and 60GB internal memory. None of these can be upgraded as far as I can establish." Then you said "As you saw on the other thread the SW5-171 has space in the dock for a hard drive or SSD"
    So are you saying the hard drive is upgradeable/expandable only in the dock portion but not in the the tablet portion?
    Sorry if it's a dumb question, I'm new haha!
  • charae32
    charae32 Member Posts: 26 New User
    And what's the difference between SSD and hard drive space?
  • charae32
    charae32 Member Posts: 26 New User
  • RFNM
    RFNM Member Posts: 24 Troubleshooter

    When I say 'hard drive' I mean a disk drive, when I say SSD I'm refering to a solid state drive. I would wager that the latter is probably more robust though the 2.5 inch laptop drives are designed for this sort of use anyway. SSD are more expensive per GB but generally faster.


    I don't see why the WD drive you linked to wouldn't work, however, I'm not offering any guarantees Smiley Wink The SW5-171 Signature model in the US Microsoft store has a 500GB disk drive.

  • charae32
    charae32 Member Posts: 26 New User
    Do you know if the Signature models of the acer aspire switch 11 have adobe flash player on them?
  • padgett
    padgett ACE Posts: 4,532 Pathfinder

    Just an observation but the Switch 12 is becoming available now (I am getting one on Monday) and while it close to the same price as a Switch 11, it does have the Core-M architecture and an inch larger scream.


    One way to tell which OS: if it comes with 2GB or less RAM it will be a 32 bit, if 4GB or more, probably a 64. (I have run Win 64 in 2 GB, 4 is better, 8 is not needed for most except 3D modellers or gamers in which case they will be looking for an I7.


    The whole switch lineup seems confusing as all are SW5s yet bracket several generations and different CPUs in each. Further the base CPU speed does not tell you much as ventless tabs have dynamic speed allocation (they are calling it "turbo" which was old in 1990).


    So in the switch lineup, you need to read the specs carfully as a SW5-012 is not a Switch 12 and is very different from a SW5-271.


    ps unlike Android, any Windows machine should support Flash.


    pps "Signature": that sounds like the Microsoft store, they seem to have special designations.

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,659 Trailblazer

    charae32 wrote:
    Do you know if the Signature models of the acer aspire switch 11 have adobe flash player on them?

    Doesn't matter if it's installed by default, since you can install it for free if it's not there.

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