Ultrabook White Screen = Bad LCD Cable

RCSnyder Member Posts: 8


I picked an S3-951-6646 today on Craigslist with a white screen problem.


I've diagnosed the problem as the LCD connector cable (Part #SM30HS-A016-001) and am looking for a source.


It appears these may be as scarce as are the LCD panels, but for a supplier in the Netherlands who wants $125 (plus $39 shipping).


Certainly there must be a stateside source where these are in stock.


Please advise.


Thanks in advance.




  • HK53T
    HK53T Member Posts: 767 Die Hard WiFi Icon

    just call Acer and have unit serviced ?

  • Sam_chege
    Sam_chege Member Posts: 1 New User

    My acer apire 3 has a similar problem. I have imported the LCD cable from the Netherlands. Will see if it's gonna solve the problem. It seems this problem is a manufacturer's blunder!


  • RCSnyder
    RCSnyder Member Posts: 8




    Did the NL sourced cable do the trick?  Please advise.



  • makara
    makara Member Posts: 2 New User

    I used Acer aspire S3- 951. now it have problem with screen cable. it become to white screen. i took it to fix at Chay Hok, who dialer of Acer that biger in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. but they said they don't have screen cable spare part to change new for me.

    now my computer can not use, and spare part aslo don't have to change.

    so Why in Acer don't have any spare part for easy to fine and fix it?


  • makara
    makara Member Posts: 2 New User

    my computer also have this problem.

    now so headach to buy new one.

  • gikitare
    gikitare Member Posts: 1 New User

    I am having the same problem. The LCD cable tears when the ultrabook is opened to its maximum viewing angle (very large angle for the s3-951-6646 ultrabook). Tried oredering from China, but could net get a correct part. The Netherlands supplier seems to be the only supplier for now. I do not know who has tried them.  Acer should please come to our recue. The s3-951 is too new to be thrown away because of the Part #SM30HS-A016-001

  • michaelclarkson
    michaelclarkson Member Posts: 1 New User
    I've had the same issue and sourced a replacement cable. However for the life of me, I can't work out how to route the cable over/round/ through the hinge, so that it nots pinched by the case of goes over the top of the power button cover.

    Does anyone have any clear pictures or instructions their could share?

  • jamesn84
    jamesn84 Member Posts: 1 New User

    This Acer Aspire S3 ultrabook is a horrible laptop to fix. I'm an experienced tech and worked with thousands of laptops, replaced many screen connection cable but this Acer S3 is one of the worst. The design is just a nightmare and make you want to rip the whole thing off. To get the cable out, you need to remove hard drive, battery, wifi card and motherboard from the computer, then hinge, then you'll have a hard time wrapping the cable around the hinge (why designed it like this from the first place???), this thing is driving me nuts

  • eried
    eried Member Posts: 2 New User

    I find the construction on this notebook is superb for the size, I would spect much more glue, but it is all clean. I am having the same white screen problem, at first was just when I opened the lid to wide angles, now screen is always white. Is the cable broken? or the connector? Should a new cable fix this?

  • hns
    hns Member Posts: 2 New User


    I also have the same white screen issue. I try to look for the cable - a friend of mine has a repair shop, is faced with the same issue of not finding the spare part. If this cable form Netherlands is that expensive, where price of LCD itself starts from $49, aren't there alternative cable which could be used? Any electronics person knows about this? 

  • eried
    eried Member Posts: 2 New User

    I ended using one from ebay, 17 USD or so including shipment. Fixed all my issues Smiley Wink

  • hns
    hns Member Posts: 2 New User

    Well, I did find the LCD cable at Repair Direct in Netherlands for +/- 36€. That I consider a good deal.

  • Shufla
    Shufla Member Posts: 2 New User

    Hi. Got the same issue last week. It started with white screen just when I opened it more than maybe 40-45¤ but I could still "use" it when less wide opened. However it just woke up one day with white screen at any angle. I removed the display frame and I can clearly seen that the flex to the display driver coming from the hinge is broken (cut) in the corner. I could even make the display work a few times by pulling closer together the two sides of the cut (guess I reconnected the broken path). I dont have the time/energy to try to fix it myself, has anyone got any help from Acer?? Assuminga a negative reply, has anyone  link o any youtube video where the repairing process (disassembling/assembling) is explained? Thanks!

  • Shufla
    Shufla Member Posts: 2 New User

    Hi. Any tips about how to open the hinge and replace the cable with the new one? Thanks in advance!