win 7 problem

reps66 Member Posts: 9 New User

hi all    ive just replaced hdd on aspire 6920 vista it had issues loading, ive put hdd with win 7 normal startup bsod error code 0x0000007b, willstartup in repair my computer then says cannot repair comp auto on that page it will let me go to recovery tools with page saying syst restore,startup repair,image recovery,memory diags,command,  any ideas thanks.


  • Your HDD cannot be accessed. Was your Win7 installation performed on your 6920 or another machine?

    If it was a different machine incorporating a different IDE chip set then this can result in error 0x0000007B.

    If this is the case, I would reformat the disk and install Win7 again.


  • reps66
    reps66 Member Posts: 9 New User

    will i be able to reformat it on this laptop. thanks alan

  • If the error is the result of an IDE mismatch then there should not be a problem reformatting. On the other hand your error may be the result of a hardware failure in which case, even if a reformat was successful, you would still likely have problems.


    I would give it a try and see how it goes (assuming you have no wish to preserve the current Win7 installation). Given that you were prompted to swap out the Vista HDD due to loading problems and you are now facing access problems with the Win7 HDD, there is a possibility that your motherboard has issues. I would try a reformat and fresh install if only to confirm that the motherboard is good.


  • reps66
    reps66 Member Posts: 9 New User

    thanks alan will give it a go.

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