Predator Helios 300 requires password for BIOS

andrewedmondson Member Posts: 9


edited August 2024 in Predator Laptops

For some reason, my laptop now requires a BIOS password. I have tried all the passwords I use and cannot access BIOS. I tried but that didn't work. Although the laptop is only 9 months old, it is out of warrranty. I shouldn't have to spend money unlocking the BIOS. Windows 11


  • Puraw
    Puraw ACE, Member Posts: 15,204 Trailblazer
    edited August 2024

    We can't advise about passwords on this forum, bring the laptop to Acer Services in your country to reprogram or replace the EEPROM for a small service fee (+ costs for the EEPROM if replaced).

  • andrewedmondson
    andrewedmondson Member Posts: 9


    Why should I have to go to all that effort when it is not my fault? Something has caused this and I want to know what it is. How can I get locked out of my own computer's BIOS?

  • Puraw
    Puraw ACE, Member Posts: 15,204 Trailblazer

    Hi, Windows could have offered a BIOS update that you accepted, Acer Care Center may have updated firmware while there was a power interruption, malware or 3rd-party software you installed may have done that, did you try to boot with a USB device? This is the only way to get around the BIOS password issue, bring the laptop to Acer Services.

  • andrewedmondson
    andrewedmondson Member Posts: 9


    edited August 2024

    A few days ago I could start from USB, now I cannot.

    How can I find a local ACER services shop? I need this asap as I am travelling from 9th for 6 weeks.

  • andrewedmondson
    andrewedmondson Member Posts: 9


    I removed the CMOS battery for 10 minutes and shorted the terminals. Same problem.

  • Samuel-Acer
    Samuel-Acer Moderator Posts: 707 Moderator

    Hi andrewedmondson,

    Unfortunately, we do not allow/provide direct support or discuss any steps on unlocking BIOS passwords or bypassing of security features. (Please check/ review our Acer Community User Agreement)

    We recommend contacting your local Acer support for better assistance.

    Note: We will be closing this thread.


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