How to update BIOS on Switch 10 SW5-012, and Recovery Option Fails Every Time

topcat989 Member Posts: 6


Have a Acer Aspire Switch 10, model SW5-012, with 64GB drive. Currently "running" the Win 8.1 with Bing. "Running" in quotes because it's more like slow and buggy to the point of unusable. I want to change to Win10 or Mint, but first step is update 1.14 BIOS to current 1.20 BIOS.


The current 1.20 BIOS download from ACER appeared to be a windows utility, so I tried that, and it appeared to work, "extracting utility", etc. Then nothing. Tried rebooting, hit load BIOS defaults, reboot, etc….nothing. Still 1.14.

Also tried resetting to factory conditions, it goes through the motions, but then shuts down. When I turn back on, it's as if nothing's changed. So I can't seem to update Bios, and I can't do a factory reset. Windows HHD device shows the recovery partition intact.

Help please, so far my Google Fu has failed me
