A515-56 Double onscreen Indicator for Caps & Num lock and Fn+F not working after 23h2 win 11 update

Wn_Vaibhav Member Posts: 25 Enthusiast WiFi Icon
edited November 2023 in Aspire Laptops

Hey, How's going? yes, Regarding my issue, I have 2 of them also I have An Aspire a515-56
with win 11 home(just telling for more info)
1. The thing is I am Seeing two indicators whenever I press CAPSLOCK or NUMLOCK key or any key which has an On-screen Indicator including Fn + F performance switch,
This started like maybe on 22h2 of win 11 and still proceeding, I don't still know the reason behind this, the one with acer is Black and I don't know about that white displayed over it, maybe it's of windows or acer's so Let me know If Anyone has a fix regarding this

2.Ok! I think this one everyone has faced, My Fn + F key is not working from the last windows 23h2 update, No one knows why it's happening maybe windows has something to do with that, If you have faced this and have a Fix about this, I'd really appreciate any of your help, also Regarding this There is nothing in bios so don't recommend that I have tried using ctrl + s and there's nothing any secret thing there regarding this, Other than that any help is appreciated, Oh I forgot to mention that I have attached video or images regarding this below so make sure to check that out

Supposively, we can't upload videos so there's a link to video

[Edited the thread to add model name to the title]


  • AnhEZ28
    AnhEZ28 ACE, Member Posts: 4,854 Pathfinder


    The Quick Access might be having trouble. Try to reinstall that app.

    Please remember to include @AnhEZ28 when you want to reply back to my comment so that I can check your response.
    Thank you and have a nice day!
  • Wn_Vaibhav
    Wn_Vaibhav Member Posts: 25 Enthusiast WiFi Icon
    edited November 2023

    @AnhEZ28 I have done that already, before you told, But it was of no good, like it remained the same, I appreciate your effort tho!, Update! that double indicator problem is Solved! turns out I need to just go back to previous version of Acer care center! It was causing that double screen Indicator!

  • Wn_Vaibhav
    Wn_Vaibhav Member Posts: 25 Enthusiast WiFi Icon
    edited November 2023

    @AnhEZ28 Uhh! it's not fixed And It remains the same! But I think There might be a reason behind that, As I noticed when My pc Just booted (I restarted my PC!) then it was working all fine! but after sometime this started again! so there is a process in acers quick access service that's causing this issue

  • Wn_Vaibhav
    Wn_Vaibhav Member Posts: 25 Enthusiast WiFi Icon
    edited November 2023

    Ahh! Finally a thing or Two! Turns out Acer's Services are causing this issue I was Just checking what is causing this issue by going into ongoing processes in taskbar and I closed Two of the acer's quick access processes and Walla! Fn+ F works only white performance indicator remains!
    So Specifically acer's QAAdmin Agent is causing This Issue! So when I uninstalled It , Now Fn+ F works flawlessly, Also appreciate @AnhEZ28 support towards my concern,

  • AnhEZ28
    AnhEZ28 ACE, Member Posts: 4,854 Pathfinder

    @Wn_Vaibhav no problem! I am glad that you have found the solution.

    Please remember to include @AnhEZ28 when you want to reply back to my comment so that I can check your response.
    Thank you and have a nice day!
  • BramB
    BramB Member Posts: 45 Troubleshooter

    I have the same problem but i cant find where to download care center so i cant downgrade it. and acer's QAAdmin can't I also not find so no solution for me for now.

  • AnhEZ28
    AnhEZ28 ACE, Member Posts: 4,854 Pathfinder

    @BramB try to uninstall the QuickAccess service.

    Please remember to include @AnhEZ28 when you want to reply back to my comment so that I can check your response.
    Thank you and have a nice day!
  • BramB
    BramB Member Posts: 45 Troubleshooter

    The dubble indicators are now solved but the indicator now is not in the middel of the screen. and the quick access app is now removed.

  • Wn_Vaibhav
    Wn_Vaibhav Member Posts: 25 Enthusiast WiFi Icon

    IS that a question? @BramB

  • Wn_Vaibhav
    Wn_Vaibhav Member Posts: 25 Enthusiast WiFi Icon

    @AnhEZ28 | @BramB
    I've Got the Perfect solution! Now only Black one Remains!
    So what was the reason behind this?

    1. Acer quick access itself is causing the problem
    2. The Reason Might Be that the Pc is bot able to Identify, which One to show, the white one or the Black one, So it shows both of them partially Blocking the Ability to switch between power modes
    3. The Solution: First I need you to locate to this file location: C:\Program Files\AcerQAAgent\AQAUserPS.exe (You need Quick Access installed in your PC)
    4. Then Uninstall this AQAUserPS.exe it's what is causing That white indicator
    5. I am the First one to Find The Solution to this, So make sure you tag Me Whenever you help Someone about this Problem 😊
  • BramB
    BramB Member Posts: 45 Troubleshooter
    edited December 2023

    Oke but how to remove that .exe file u cant delete it.

  • Wn_Vaibhav
    Wn_Vaibhav Member Posts: 25 Enthusiast WiFi Icon

    Ahh! that, It's a bit simpler than you think, just first of all turn off all processes of acer quick access and then you can locate it and uninstall it! Does this solve your problem? if you want to know how to turn off processes on windows just go check out a youtube video, but i'll explain it in few simple steps
    1. open task manager
    2.turn off all acer's processes not care center one, but just acer quick access one's usually they start with "AQA" followed by something they are related to
    3.open the file location I provided you with i.e "C:\Program Files\AcerQAAgent\AQAUserPS.exe"
    4. Uninstall this process, and walaa! you have what you wanted

  • BramB
    BramB Member Posts: 45 Troubleshooter

    it worked.
    but is the fan speed of quiet really quiet and normally normal?

  • BramB
    BramB Member Posts: 45 Troubleshooter

    its comming back automaticly

  • BramB
    BramB Member Posts: 45 Troubleshooter

    Now with the acer sens app. there is no indicator at all.

  • Wn_Vaibhav
    Wn_Vaibhav Member Posts: 25 Enthusiast WiFi Icon

    Hey, It's Live with the indicators, I think they forgot during first release, but now Yeah it's there @BramB

  • BramB
    BramB Member Posts: 45 Troubleshooter


    I have now no acer sens. I have care center and Quick access but if I remove the fill for the dubble indicator its comming back after some times is there a fix for?

  • BramB
    BramB Member Posts: 45 Troubleshooter

    This is now in January 2025 still not solved