Backlight bleeding on Nitro 5 AN515-55
My laptop has some backlight bleeding on the left of the screen. Does the warranty cover fixing this issue? I need to know since I will have to travel to get it fixed.
Best Answer
Usually not covered since all LED TN and IPS screens have a fair degree of bleeding. Please post phone photo of a full-screen black.jpg image using MSPaint to show extent of bleeding. Google search the keyword, 'black.jpg' to download image.
Jack E/NJ
Usually not covered since all LED TN and IPS screens have a fair degree of bleeding. Please post phone photo of a full-screen black.jpg image using MSPaint to show extent of bleeding. Google search the keyword, 'black.jpg' to download image.
Jack E/NJ
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@JackE thanks alot for the information. I actually did but it is not visible in the photo I took. It is more clear and visible just after starting the laptop. I guess it's normal bleeding and I do not have to worry.
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Depending on your viewing angle or phone lens aiming angle, the bleeding will change. Least bleeding of a black.jpg full screen image usually but not always occurs at 90° or orthogonal viewing. And may get worse then better again as the angle decreases toward 0°.
Jack E/NJ