Aspire 7 A715-74G How do i install Kali?

SimiRT Member Posts: 10


edited August 2021 in Aspire Laptops
I am trying to dual boot Kali And Windows , 50GB Partition For Kali In Disk C and It wont detect the disk or the partition. I think this is being caused by RAID or RST.
i need help trying to remove RST and RAID so i can install Kali.
Model Name
Acer Aspire 7 A715-74G
Any help would be appreciated.

Thread was edited to add model name to the title


  • Leostat
    Leostat ACE Posts: 3,043 Pathfinder
    edited August 2021
    In a vm ;) ! 90% of the time running Kali in a vm is preferred as there isn't really anything other than hashcat which needs hardware 

    You are spot on about the raid and RST I expect, head to the UEFI by tapping F2, hit cntrl+s as the first thing you press, then something like vmd or RST or Stata mode will turn that off, RST or vmd off, or drive mode into ahci and you are good 

    Doing this may foobar windows though :) 
  • SimiRT
    SimiRT Member Posts: 10


    Thank you for your response!
  • Easwar
    Easwar Member Posts: 6,727 Guru
    Hi SimiRT,

    Steps to Install Kali Linux
    1. Step 1: Boot Screen. ...
    2. Step 2: Select a Language. ...
    3. Step 3: Select your location. ...
    4. Step 4: Configure the Network – Enter Hostname. ...
    5. Step 5: Configure the Network – Enter the Domain Name. ...
    6. Step 6: Setup User Account. ...
    7. Step 7: Setup User ID. ...
    8. Step 8: Configure the Clock.