Aspire VX5-591G RAM and SSD upgrade

Nitram Member Posts: 17 Troubleshooter
edited June 2021 in Aspire Laptops
Hi, I own the above mentioned laptop and it has - 2x4GB RAM(2400MHz) and 1TB HDD.

I wanted to ask as I noticed CPU-Z and Task manager that apparently the laptop has 4 memory slots, is this actually true as I have yet to find a laptop with 4 memory slots ?
The other thing I wanted to ask is if I would be able to install an SSD to work alongside the HDD ?
I have been trying to find the data sheet for the laptop in order to get some info on the motherboard but have had no luck finding the name of it - so I need recommendations for SSD's like what's the max capacity, what would the port be, how to install it ? I was searching on Amazon, but as I do not know the port I am at an impasse. :cry:

The same applies for the RAM, but I have more experience with it so I'm not as worried about it but some recommendations or reviews could be useful. 

P.S. I know I can just open the laptop and find it, but I don't get my set of screwdrivers for a few days and I would like to hear some opinions on SSD's and RAM :sweat_smile:

Thank you in advance for the help. :bleep_bloop:

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