PO3-620 ATX2 and ATX3

NovaDev Member Posts: 1 Newbie

I have a motherboard similar to the one shown in this discussion, but it doesn't exactly answer my questions.

I too am upgrading my PSU, and the original PSU is connected to BOTH the ATX2 and ATX3 ports (?) as well as the 6 pin port on the other side of the mobo. The new PSU doesn't have a connector for the ATX3 - the question is: do I need to connect to both the ATX2 and the ATX3 with the new PSU? The OEM PSU also has the connectors labeled as P2 and P3.

The 6 pin connector, for its part - can I use one of the PCIe cables for the power on that side? The PCIe connector fits that port just fine, but … frying my mobo isn't on the agenda. So how do I handle this piece?
