R240HY Monitor stuck flashing primary colors (Diagnostic mode?) when plugged in.

tsmith409 Member Posts: 2 New User
edited February 2022 in Monitors
I was switching out my desk and unplugged the monitor from behind to reroute the cable to allow it to reach better, and when I plugged the monitor back in it was flashing the primary colors. All of the buttons do nothing but bring up a menu that shows

FW Ver.
Auto Color: Undo
KEY <0 -5> PRESSED (0 being power, furthest left being Key 5
    KEY     PASS

This happens with and without a video source plugged in. The power button doesn't turn on/off the monitor. 

Attempted fixes:
I've unplugged while holding power, held power after unplugging, held power while plugging in, pressed multiple button combinations, tried different power bricks (I have two of these monitors so I used the other's power source), tried powering it with a video source plugged in already. 

It's just stuck in this diagnostic mode and I Can't get out of it. I'm looking at that term (KEY PASS) in the menu.  Is there a certain key combination in some sort of order I'm supposed to press to get out of it?


  • Easwar
    Easwar Member Posts: 6,727 Guru
    Hi @tsmith409,

    What cable is connected to it ? Like HDMI/VGA/DP.
  • tsmith409
    tsmith409 Member Posts: 2 New User
    Tried HDMI and VGA. Neither do anything. Also this problem happens when there's NO Video source plugged in, so it doesn't seem to be affected by HDMI/VGA/DP
  • Easwar
    Easwar Member Posts: 6,727 Guru
    Hi @tsmith409,

    Contact acer tech support,


    OR book the unit for repair service,


  • ugonzalez2
    ugonzalez2 Member Posts: 2 New User

    Just had that problem. The solution was to connect a VGA cable to the computer, and the monitor started to work, then connect algo de monitor to the compute using de HDMI, then with the monitor menu change the input to HDMI, and finally remove the VGA cable.

  • 3rdDan
    3rdDan Member Posts: 1 New User

    (Solved!!) I cheated the Monitor Matrix.

    I plugged the VGA connector and it start to show signal. But trying to change to HDMI gave me the same result, back to RGB test.

    So I thought: The impossible thing was power-off the monitor using the button, so I'm gonna use the VGA to bring signal and then power-off with the button to see if after that, goes to normality. And it worked!!

    Connect another source instead the one that gives you the issue and when you get signal, power-off with the power button. Then disconnect all sources and power-on with button. (Don't need to disconnect the power cable). After this you must see the normal stand-by state, meaning that it's awake from the Matrix. So now you can connect any source you want.

    Hope you're doing great!!