Helios 300 ThrottleStop POWER STATUS CHANGE

dcetinol84 Member Posts: 31 Enthusiast WiFi Icon
I'm using ThrottleStop while gaming Jedi Fallen Order. Everything is fine, voltages and temps are stable. But when I check ThrottleStop's log file after the end of my gaming session, I noticed some POWER STATUS CHANGE lines. I'm playing while AC adaptor connected and not on battery. It looks like it uses battery for a while and then gets back to normal.

What could be the reason for this behavior?

Note: I may experience some drops in FPS when power status changes tho I'm not sure as I can't time it correctly.

Here's a sample of the logs:
   DATE         TIME       MULTI   C0%   CKMOD  BAT_mW  TEMP   NVIDIA GPU      VID        POWER
2020-11-01  12:40:02  40.00   18.8  100.0       0           52       1695     45         1.1000   19.5
2020-11-01  12:40:03  40.00   18.5  100.0       0           52       1665     46         1.1042   18.7
2020-11-01  12:40:04  40.00   19.4  100.0       0           55       1665     46         1.0800   19.6
2020-11-01  13:12:12  40.00   51.3  100.0       0           81       1605     62         1.0580   39.7
2020-11-01  13:12:13  40.02   46.5  100.0       0           76       1620     62         1.0588   37.3
2020-11-01  13:12:14  40.00   44.1  100.0       0           74       1620     62         1.0796   33.2
2020-11-01  13:12:15  40.00   31.2  100.0       0           73       1665     62         1.0858   27.6
2020-11-01  13:12:16  POWER STATUS CHANGE
2020-11-01  13:12:17  40.00   34.8  100.0    5221         75       1620     62         1.0964   29.4
2020-11-01  13:12:18  40.00   34.3   100.0    5221        75       1620     62         1.0911   29.0
2020-11-01  13:47:35  40.00   27.9  100.0    4220         71       1650     61         1.0924   25.3
2020-11-01  13:47:36  40.00   33.4  100.0    4220         74       1650     61         1.0731   28.6
2020-11-01  13:47:36  POWER STATUS CHANGE2020-11-01  13:47:37  40.00   32.7  100.0       0           74       1635     62         1.0867   28.0
2020-11-01  13:47:38  40.00   31.9  100.0       0           73       1635     62         1.0951   27.5

Also even tho the AC is plugged in it, sometime I see battery info like this:

Thank you,


  • dcetinol84
    dcetinol84 Member Posts: 31 Enthusiast WiFi Icon
    Any ideas about this power drain while high performance gaming?
  • JayrLouro
    JayrLouro Member Posts: 1 New User
    I have several Power Status Change in my throttlestop log. Every 5 seconds! But no battery drain (always 100%). Do you use turbo by any chance?