upgrade to win 10 very bad result AO532h

queenidog Member Posts: 1 New User
edited March 2023 in 2017 Archives

I have an older netbook that came installed with Win7 starter.  It was working fine.   Since I upgraded to Win10 (it was free after all), performance has taken a beating, with CPU running at 100% most of the time.  I can't identify any ONE task taking all the CPU time, it seems equally shared.   I've reset Windows 10 back to "basic" with no benefit.  I'm trying to install Linux for dual boot, or maybe replace the entire O/S (no Windows) but I cannot get the computer to boot from a USB stick or USB DVD with Linux ISO file on it.   Computer reports "no operating system found", although it finds the stick when I press F12.


My bios is 1.26, the latest.


Any ideas?  Maybe I should just format the drive and install Linux?  Will it work?   I'll never be able to go back to Windows though, unless I can recover it from the recovery partition.
