roidominik Member Posts: 19 Troubleshooter
edited March 2023 in 2017 Archives
First Concern:

My laptop dies on it's own. The other night it happened twice within the same hour. I wasn't playing, the battery was still high, it wasn't hot. The first time, I was taking a break from Photoshop. It wasn't heavy rendering. The second time, I was just on Facebook.

This has happened several times before while I was playing fallout. I thought it was just a battery (power saver) profile thing.
It doesn't do this when it's plugged in.
It also makes a 'peep' sound when it dies. The first time that this has happened was around one to two weeks after I bought it.
Second Concern:

I bought the laptop only last May 10, but when I checked the warranty expiration on the website, it said that my warranty expires on March 2018. That's only 10 months. I was promised 1 year of warranty. Why is it stated differently, my name on the warranty is correct, though.
Final Concern:
Just under an hour ago, i received a blue screen error: DRIVER_POWER_STATE_FAILURE
I tried reading about it, but the other people usually had the error after updating or upgrading to a new hardware.
My laptop is just over a month old, so I've never updated the OS or replaced anything in my laptop. How can I be having this error? Is it possible that it's something in my hardware that needs to be replaced? Will my warranty cover it? Will they replace the entire laptop or just the part that's broken? I can't lose my laptop for more than a week. I'd be missing out on a LOT of schoolwork.
It was properly ventilated, it wasn't hot, wasn't low on battery either. It happened while I was playing The Sims 4.
19496368_10209622096898405_214332196_o.jpgPlease help. Thank you.
