V5-591G touchpad less responsive around edges

CosmicDust Member Posts: 42 Die Hard WiFi Icon
edited March 2023 in 2017 Archives

So this is my second V5-591G after the first was returned for crashing (both were bought refurbished). So far so good on that front with this one, but the touchpad is not as good as the last one.


I frequently find myself clicking or trying to 2 finger scroll and getting no response because I'm within an inch of the right or left edge of the pad. That is a really big deadzone. (Edit: it's not entirely dead, but it takes a 2 finger swipe the full length of the pad before it finally picks up my touch). Weirdly, it works just fine moving the cursor with one finger around the edges...


Also, it does not pick up very small movements (only when I've just started moving the cursor, once it's moving, it's precise). So, when trying to scrub a couple seconds on Youtube, for example, it stays put for a second and then jumps once it does respond.


This has the ELAN touchpad and it is supposedly up to date. Other threads I read seemed to suggest you can just replace the driver with Synaptics. Is it really that easy?


  • CosmicDust
    CosmicDust Member Posts: 42 Die Hard WiFi Icon

    Well, the issue in the original post seems to have gone away for some reason, but now it will randomly decide that any tap-clicks are being held down, so as soon as I move the cursor, it will drag the item I'm clicking on. Also, when it does this, if i click on a menu item, it will leave a ghost of that button on the screen, like this:




    I have to reboot entirely to get it to return to normal.

  • mysticdif
    mysticdif Member Posts: 3 New User

    It's happening the same thing on my VN7-592G since yesterday!!!