Laptop noise VN7-791G-77JJ

Sanfransicko23 Member Posts: 3 New User

Hi guys. I have had an issue with my laptop since the beginning of this year. Daily, after my laptop has been turned on for a period of time, it begins to make a noise that quickly escalates into full blown cicada noise. The sound seems to come out of the front part of the laptop, not near the fan area. I really have no clue what's going on or how to fix it. When the sound starts to come on, I use a can of air to blow into the fans, and sometimes this makes the noise go away after a few minutes, but seemingly only if I catch it early. More often, this doesn't do anything.

My laptop is: Acer 17.3" VN7-791G-77JJ Intel Core i7 4710HQ (2.50 GHz) NVIDIA GeForce GTX 860M 16 GB DDR3L Memory 256 GB SSD 1 TB HDD Windows 8.1 64-Bit Gaming Laptop.


I recorded a short 30 second video of the noise here:


A month after the noise first started, I opened the laptop and blew the fans with air which didn't seem to help. 


The noise also also appears to be coming from the bottom front speakers, which I don't understand why fan noise would come out there. 


One more piece of info, I downloaded speedfan and noticed that the sound never srems to occur when the laptop is very cool (35C). It seem to occur once the temp is around 42C. My CPU usage is very low so I don't know why it would overheat. 


Thank you for any support or recommendations.


  • jgtown
    jgtown Member Posts: 4 New User

    That sounds like an audio problem, not a fan problem.  Sounds like when I put my Nextel phone near any line level audio cable 15 years ago.  It sounded like this...


    Maybe it's picking up interference from an electrical field.  Does it happen everywhere or only in one place?


    If it happens everywhere, then maybe there's something loose in the laptop.  Since you're comfortable opening it, I'd suggest opening it up and re-seating the speaker connections to make sure they're tight.  Also check the headphone/microphone jack connections if they're not directly mounted to the motherboard.  There will also be wires for the microphones coming in from the lid somewhere along the back edge of the motherboard.  Check those, too.  Any loose wires in the analog part of the audio system can introduce noise.

  • Sanfransicko23
    Sanfransicko23 Member Posts: 3 New User

    Thanks for the reply!

    I think you're right that it is a sound issue. The sound does happen everywhere, no matter where I have the PC.

    I removed the front left speaker from the laptop, yet the sound came back. This time, however, it just sounded like it was coming from the right side of the laptop instead of both sides. Unfortunately I can't remove the right speaker as there are components attached to it. I tried to make sure are in place and removed and reinserted the speakers to the motherboard. Unfortunately the sound is still coming.

    I checked the wires and unfortunately nothing seems to be loose or improperly placed. Not sure what else I should be trying now so open to more suggestions!

  • ErrantPilot34
    ErrantPilot34 Member Posts: 2 New User

    I have had this same issue with my laptop. Does it only do it when you're running an extremely taxing program like a game? Mine only goes the noise when playing very resource intense games.

  • Sanfransicko23
    Sanfransicko23 Member Posts: 3 New User

    Hey Errant,

    95% of the time, yes. It usually happens when I'm streaming NBA TV or playing a game. Occasionaly it will happen though when nothing taxing is going on. I'm 100% certain it's a speaker noise and not a fan issue as jgtown said above.


    I'm actually wondering whether I've discovered the problem. I opened the laptop again last night to disconnect both speakers but just leave them in the laptop. Right when I opened the keyboard, the right antenna on the wireless card came off. So far today I have had no noise but I'll have to see how the day progresses. I'm wondering if the speakers could have been interacting with the wireless antenna and causing the noise?


    I can't claim to know anything about wireless cards so perhaps someone who has installed them before could comment on whether this may cause such a sound.