Acer Jade S Dual SIM management Issue - Android 5

jgoncalves Member Posts: 4 New User


I have an issue with the Jade S even before the last update for Android 5.

Before the update i could have a contact associatedwith a SIM card. this was helpful because i have a personal SIM and a bussiness SIM,so i could choose from witch SIM the call was made.

Because of my utilisation the bussiness SIM was the default for calls and SMS.

The only issue was that when i made a call to a contact that was associated with the personal SIM the phone asks with wich SIM the call is supposed to be made from.

That was an issue with bluetooth headset because i would have to use the phone to make the selection.


Now with Android 5 i lost the possibility to associate a SIM to a contact.

This makes this a terrible experience for the user.

For every call i have choose the SIM or if i select a default SIM all the calls are made from that SIM.

Does anyone else have this issue?

How can it be solved?


I am very annoyed with this update and this issue.


  • jgoncalves
    jgoncalves Member Posts: 4 New User

    Does anyone from Acer support gives a ***** about this forum??


    How can i get an answer about this issue?

    Am i the only one with this problem?????????


  • ElizabethS
    ElizabethS Member Posts: 845 Practitioner WiFi Icon

    This is a peer to peer support forum. Acer does not respond to technical issues here.

  • jgoncalves
    jgoncalves Member Posts: 4 New User

    And where can i ask for help on this issue?

  • jgoncalves
    jgoncalves Member Posts: 4 New User

    No response from anyone still?? Man FrustratedMan FrustratedMan FrustratedMan FrustratedMan FrustratedMan FrustratedMan FrustratedMan FrustratedMan FrustratedMan FrustratedMan FrustratedMan FrustratedMan FrustratedMan FrustratedMan FrustratedMan Frustrated