Liquid Jade Z Android 5.0 Update

Manicain Member Posts: 2 New User
edited March 2023 in 2015 Archives

Hi Guys,


I just purchased a liquid Jade Z (S57) which came with Android 4.4.4 and I admit that I am new to the whole Android world...


However, I have read that Acer will (or should have already been...) support Android 5.0 update but I cannot find anything in the official website and neither much on the wider internet.


Does anybody know if the update will be supported via an official package from Acer? If yes, when? If no, any advice on how to update the OS myself?


Thank you for any help!



Best Answer

  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer
    Answer ✓

    update will arrive via OTA (on the air update), so you will receive a notification that an update is available.

    at the moment, there's no release date announced.

    I'm not an Acer employee.


  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer
    Answer ✓

    update will arrive via OTA (on the air update), so you will receive a notification that an update is available.

    at the moment, there's no release date announced.

    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • Manicain
    Manicain Member Posts: 2 New User

    Thanks IronFly!


    I was too eager to update Smiley Happy! I will wait for the official release notification.

  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer

    you welcome. Smiley Happy

    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • Krissi
    Krissi Member Posts: 6 New User

    This is not a solution to the question asked. 10 months have gone and there is still no update available. I am so disappointed about Acer and how they have lied about this phones capability when it comes to Android. It has actually been sold as an Lollipo phone but now 1 year after it's still running 4.4.4.


    I hope that Acer reads this so that they know where they have failed.

  • DV
    DV Member Posts: 1 New User

    I've been waiting for the update since I bought the phone around june last year. It is still being sold by vendors as running  Lollipop. Which certainly is not the case.


    I have also noticed that the specifications on the Acer website now read Android 4.4. Which makes me fear that the update will never come.


  • zflajpan
    zflajpan Member Posts: 12 New User

    Android 5.0 ,5.1 or Marshmalow anytime soon , Battery heavy drain on sleep on my S57 , battery drains in 12 h from 100 percent to 0 and i never touch my phone.Is there solution?

  • boenkman
    boenkman Member Posts: 2 New User
    Thuis is inderdaad outrageous... It was been sold with 4.4 and i've been sold my S57 Will be upgradable to 5.0
    If Acer Does not provider the upgrade as promised, or agrees to provider another Device that van be upgrades, i TOO Will bever purchase another Acer ever again
  • Enes1
    Enes1 Member Posts: 16 New User

    where's the update anytime soon? We're litteraly 3 Android versions behind. Newest version is now Android 7.0 Nougat.

  • Krissi
    Krissi Member Posts: 6 New User

    I don't think it will ever happen.


    And to put the "support" here in perspective note that somebody has set this thread as solved?!?


    My advice to any that considers buying an Acer smart device... DON'T do it! if you expect any form for decent support in the matter of updates or personal support.


    I actually created a problem report at Acer UK and they just said that the phone had a serial number from France and that I should contact Acer in France. Very strange since I live in Denmark and bought the phone from Denmark but it was sent from the UK. No matter what Acer should take responsibility and reply to questions no matter from where they come.


    And the worse thing is that there are posts out there saying that there is an 5.0 update.


    So ACER... never, NEVER ever again.

  • Krissi
    Krissi Member Posts: 6 New User

    Btw. I have bought 3 Lenovo tablets in the last 6 months. They get updates all the time.


    It could have been 3 Acer devices but my user experience with the Acer Liquid Jade Z (S57) made it very easy not to even think about looking at Acer.


    2 of the tablets where bought this week... Lenovo TAB 3 X70L with HD (1920x1200) ISP screen, 32 GB storage, microSD, 4G/LTE, Bluetooth 4.0, 802.11a/b/g/n/ac, NFC and Android 6.0. A GREAT tablet for just 255€ (in Denmark). I looove Lenovo's product's. Such a high quality and value for the money.

  • Enes1
    Enes1 Member Posts: 16 New User

    Lenovo is now Motorola as well, which is double better. Next time that I will buy a phone I will save some good money for it a buy a flagship phone.

  • Krissi
    Krissi Member Posts: 6 New User

    I know ;-)


    And I saw the other day that Lenovo has made it their strategy to make quality phones and tablets to affordable prices.


    The tablet i refer to is a proof of that. It's such a great device. You get so much quality for the money.


    Another thing... if you think it's wrong to mark this thread as "solved" then go to the post and select the option "Inappropriate Content" and let’s make Acer change that status to what it is... NOT SOLVED!!!

  • Krissi
    Krissi Member Posts: 6 New User

    I just got and invitation to "See what’s coming up next@acer – 2016 Global Press Conference in Berlin".


    Yeah right Acer like if your lack of service and support is going to make me buy any of your products again or waist my time seeing you lying again.

  • Charles_Lee_Ray
    Charles_Lee_Ray Member Posts: 1 New User
    September, 2017. No Lollipop. And lets face it, it will never happen. Not in the verge of OREO days. So I think, likewise, this is actually unsolved by any means. Perhaps, if we like S57 that much, we should find a way to update or just leave it as is, until it passes away. Meanwhile, truth is I thought I was in the right path with Acer for service and support when I purchased this phone and it's hard to realize that you were big time wrong. Now think Acer phones aren't that cheap, especially after this. Something (or someone) is clearly not working right inside Acer. Perhaps it's time to perform some changes... or simply consider being a Lenovo company!