USB boot problems! Aspire E1-571

bonkeman Member Posts: 4 New User
edited March 2023 in 2014 Archives



New to the forum, hoping to find the answer to my problem here. I can not for my life get my laptop to boot from a USB-stick. The background is that I wanted to try out the Chromium OS, booted from USB. I'm going to use the OS on another computer with older specs, but that computer is not in my hand yet. I'm sure it will work there, since I have booted from USB on that old bird several times before.


The problem is that the USB is not even included in the boot list. After a bit of "Googleing" around, I have changed from UEFI to Legacy in the BIOS. This seem to have solved the problem for most people, but not me. I have tried all of the USB ports, but no success.


Can anyone help? This has turned into a matter of pricipal for me. I MUST have this unit booting from USB! 


  • bonkeman
    bonkeman Member Posts: 4 New User

    Thanks for the effort, but I have already tried to disable secure boot, except for the password thing. But that didn't do it either.


    I have tried to set it to Legacy BIOS and disabled secure boot. This makes things look like I'm used to since the olden days, but USB boot is still not an option when pressing F12 while starting up. I mean, this is starting to look like a manufacturing error. WHY is not the USB an option? I get the HDD, CDROM and Network. 

  • bonkeman
    bonkeman Member Posts: 4 New User

    I just thought of something. What about my backup USB unit that I made the first day using the Acer Backup thingamabob. I digged around for an hour and finally found it. I plugged it in and the USB is found and the reinstallation started. I've read somewhere that the BIOS only recognizes Microsoft and Acer signed units (or something like that). If this is true it is, of course, *****. And ridiculous.


    Any thoughts?

  • bonkeman
    bonkeman Member Posts: 4 New User



    Is it really impossible to boot from a USB-stick on my Acer laptop?

  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer

    it's so strange to be honest.


    i had some problems with no brand or faulty USB pen to be recognised from BIOS as bootable devices.


    if you use UEFI, you must have a compatbile EFI OS and USB pen must be GPT/EFI compatbile.


    normally i use RUFUS to burn .iso on my USB pen and found it very compatible.


    if you use Legacy, normally you can boot easily from USB pen.

    I'm not an Acer employee.