I couldn't use bluetooth audio since the 8.1 update (did even a clean reinstall), the whole system freezes if I connect a BT-Audio device. Now I am using this driver http://support.asus.com/Download.aspx?SLanguage=en&m=Bluetooth&p=3&ft=27&os=30 and everythin is working fine. It's for asus stuff, but they use qualcomm…
Bei mir ging nichts über das Windowsupdate. Hiermit habe ich die Bluetooth Audio Probleme in den Griff bekommen: http://support.asus.com/Download.aspx?SLanguage=en&m=Bluetooth&p=3&ft=27&os=30 Ist zwar Asus, aber die haben scheinbar den gleichen BT-Chip verbaut.
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