No Pad, just a book under the notebook, to lift the back side an inch and i´m sitting in an cormfortable living room. I dont know what the normal scores on firestrike and timespy should be. I lately did Unigene heaven 4.0 benches in extreme and fullhd and scored around 2100. Mostly a bit lower.
Not intended. I installed Aida64 and did a reboot before running the stresstest. No tools running or and predator sense all on default. Should the CPU voltage be -0.125 ? As far as i remember i always saw the 0 there... thought it must be some driver/software problem.
At ~14:30minutes i reached 74°C at 3000rpm,then it raised the fans to 3500rpm and the temp went down again. The GPU reached 70^C pretty quickly and the fans ran at 3000, until 14:30. I´m pretty pleased with the plastics fan performance, yet. I´m unsure, wether i should repaste, to get the cpu lower... hm
I´ll try aida64, when i´m back home. I´m a little surprised by myself, that gpu temp doesn't play a role here. I even oc the clock and memory a bit with the afterburner, for testing. I´m only running on auto fan, no manual, turbo or cool boost. Like i said b4, i´m looking for an acceptable noise level unter load.…
Actually i can hardly push the GPU above 70°C. With 3D Mark, Furmark, HeavenBenchmark or ingame benchmark-loops in "Shadow of the Tombraider" or RDR2, i´m always slightly below 70°C. When i monitor gaming sessions, i´m mostly around 60-65°C. Thats pretty much the values, i had with the Aeroblade. So i think the advantage…
Thanks for this Post. The whole thread helped me to replace the Aeroblade Fan against a plastic one. And it changed EVERYTHING for me ;) Now i can enjoy this notebook. The Aeroblade sound was really uncomfortable. And i can not measure any disadvantage, yet. So: thank you for sharing your knowledge ;) But what is the best…
Ah, ok . Dann ist mein Acer wohl nicht lauter als andere ;) Ab 3000 Umdrehungen muss ich auch immer verlegen zur Couch schauen, wenn da die Frau TV schauen will. Das einzige was ich finde, sind auch nur Ratschläge. Das geht von "Lüfter ölen" bis zum Update von Predator Sense. Von einer Software vom Dritthersteller finde…
it´s also an Option in Predator Sense software. Just set the option in the context menu, when clicking the gear at the top right corner.
i´m also interested.
Hi Klaus, ich habe genau das gerät auch seit einer Woche und ich habe hierzu auch noch nichts gefunden. Ich denke auch eher, dass die Einstellung nicht freigegeben ist. Es gibt ja nicht einmal Bios Versionen mit angepassten Lüfterkurven. Ich lasse mich da aber SEHR gerne eines besseren belehren ;) Ist bei dir auch der der…