monitor problem

tiptonite Member Beiträge: 1 New User
bearbeitet April 2023 in 2018 Archiv
how do i sinc my monitor. when i switch on my computer, it takes forever to come to life, or it simply goes to stand by, with the flashing blue light underneath?


  • Kno63
    Kno63 ACE Beiträge: 15,819 Trailblazer
    Hi tiptonite,

    you are here at the german speaking part of the Acer Community.

    Welcome!  :-)

    But you will find better help when you contact the international, english speaking  part of the community.

    When you post there, please don't forget to tell which monitor and which computer (exact model numbers) you are using.

    Kind regards from Germany (near Heidelberg) :-)

    "There's more to the picture than meets the eye ..."
    Bitte bei der hilfreichsten Antwort die Markierung als Lösung nicht vergessen; du hilfst damit anderen, die das selbe Problem haben!
    "Likes"? Warum nicht! ;-)
    Ich bin kein Acer Mitarbeiter!  :-)