Windows 10 trackpad scrolling stopped working after Auto update (Aspire M5-481PT)

aupward Member Posts: 1 New User

My Aspire M5-481PT laptop was working fine for months with Windows 10, then suddently the trackpad stopped working after an automatic update.


I was able to install the most recent Synaptic Windows 10 driver, and after a few hours of farting around got the trackpad to work again, but the two finger scrolled still doesn't doesn't show up as an option in the Synaptic settings (see screenshot):


Has anyone come up with a fix for this?  


This seems to be a common issue with Windows 10 and the new automatic driver updating which is impossible to turn off.  Come on Microsoft / Acer, how could a critical piece of hardware like this stop working?!  Let's do some better testing before rolling out updates....every time I waste hours to getting my computer to work with little support from the manufacturers, I am a one step closer to buying an Apple machine next time.


Thanks for your help,
