Why do "system restores" take SO LONG?

MARCWM1 Member Posts: 1 New User

Hi, I recently performed a "system restore" for my model, "Aspire Timeline X  5830T-6486", and the action in question took roughly THREE HOURS, which is FAR too long in my opinion, is there any particular reason for such an ENORMOUS inconvenience?, and lastly of course, my model IS compatible with Windows 10; however, I've also been experiencing technical difficulties with certain apps within this program. As I am NOT tech savvy by any means, these types of technical problems are not only inconvenient, but also TOO time consuming. Thank you for your time today, Happy Spring, take care, goodbye for now from Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada. :-| 


  • Coqui13
    Coqui13 ACE Posts: 2,216 Pathfinder

    Hi MARCWM1,


    It is really difficult to say what time should or will take a restore on a computers and the reason being is that I can have 2 computers from the same bran model and everything and restore the system, and they might take a different amount of time to be restore. I guess it all depends on the specs. And the amount of files and docs you also have on it, it also depends on how many corrupt or missing files it might have to go through idk but THREE HOURS seems a lot unless you are doing a full factory reset (removing everything to 0).


    Aspire 5830T might meet the minimum requirements for the W10 O.S. but looking on Acer web you do not have support for it and with that been said no drivers to update or install either.


    What kind of problems exactly are you having with the W10 update?

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  • TheITGuru
    TheITGuru Member Posts: 1 New User

    Hello Marc,

    Depending on the amount of data on your drive, it can take a long time. Understandably this is a big inconvenience.

    There's a few options here.

    First being that if you're restoring to a Restore point it's going to be a lot shorter than doing a whole system restore. So you could try start taking more frequent restore points and use those for a faster restore.

    Another option is to look for an alternative. Comodo Time Machine and Rollback Rx come to mind as great (free) alternatives. So you may want to look at substituting your System Restore for a third-party alternative. The two I've mentioned perform within seconds, so a lot faster than your current options!

    Bye for now,

  • Moresby
    Moresby Member Posts: 29 New User

    Yup, they can be lengthy these days.


    Just find something to else to do during the system restore.  Grab a movie from iTunes, got out for dinner, call a friend or relative.  Anything that will keep you from worrying about how long its taking.


    More RAM might help.  But even that isn't a magic fix.


    In the last year, I've had system restores take anywhere from 45 minutes to the 3 hours you experienced.