danielbs80 Member Posts: 2 New User

I recently purchased a Acer Switch 10 64GB model and upgraded to windows 10.  Whenever I'm not connected to the internet, my store and any app I had downloaded from there won't open.  When try to open them it will flash up on my screen real fast and close again.  When I am connected to the internet however, everything will open fine.


How can I fix this?  There's apps that don't require internet that I want to use when I'm at places without wifi.


  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,554 Trailblazer

    IIRC it is up to the app developer to support offline use, and I believe some of them have it enabled. Try this, while online open Maps. Navigate to settings and download your local area for offline use. Disconnect from WiFi and launch maps again. It should work for the local area. If that is giving you the same symptom then it's probably time to contact Microsoft to see if they know what may be happening.

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  • danielbs80
    danielbs80 Member Posts: 2 New User

    I havn't even tried the maps app.  The main app I want to use while not online is bamboo paper and this will only load up while connected to wifi.  There's a number of apps that will only flash quickly on the screen and then close.  This doesn't seem normal.  Shouldn't any app still open even though there's no internet and just not connect, maybe give me some sort of message saying it cant' connect instead of just not opening.  I have a android tablet I use bamboo paper without internet as well as a ipad and they both can use bamboo paper without interenet.  But it's not just this app I want to use.  I haven't tried them all but all the ones I did try to launch while not connected to wifi won't open including the store itself.  Something has to be wrong with a setting or something.  Has anyone else had this issue?  My wife has the same device, I'll try it on hers to see if its just mine. 

  • padgett
    padgett ACE Posts: 4,532 Pathfinder

    Had a long answer and the *&^*(&^(*^ forum software gave me an "authentication error". Twice. Right.


    Bottom line: go to Control Panel>Administrative Tools>Event Viewer. There will be an event logged provably under Windows Logs>Application. Look for a red error message.