v5-122p-0889 Completely drained internal battery, won't chage or power on.

trezzo Member Posts: 2 New User

I had my Iphone 5 plugged into the USB port and did not have the laptop plugged in... Laptop went into lowpower standby and now won't charge or come on.  Opened netbook, tried reseting, and static reset.  Please help.


  • -Justin
    -Justin Member Posts: 2,362 Skilled Specialist WiFi Icon



    There is a battery reset pinhole on the bottom of the system. Remove the charging adapter, insert a paperclip into it and hold while press the power button down for about 15 seconds or so, that will perform a power reset. See if that can get it up and running.

  • trezzo
    trezzo Member Posts: 2 New User
    Ordered new battery. Boots but won't charge... Determining weather its a cord or jack