Visual and Overheating problems with VN7-791G

MarcusL0 Member Posts: 3 New User
edited March 2023 in 2017 Archives

Okay so I got quite a few problems and is it not hard to solve these or even find solutions on this forum or any other forum.


1st problem: When I right click something in my taskbar, then it's all black. It's been this way since I got the computer, and I tried changing themes and what not, but nothing worked. Example:

2nd problem: My laptop overheats without any major activity. If I run Google Chrome and have 2 or 3 tabs open, then the fans start going crazy and when I look at Speccy, it says that the cpu is at !95C!, which it shouldn't, not even when I'm gaming. It's way too hot to sit with in my lap, even with the charger plugged in and when just browsing on the internet.

When/if I try to play any video games then it'll have to be on medium quality (League of Legends, Dota 2, even  hearthstone) because it'll get too hot and it starts throttling and everything starts lagging.

Also the dustdefender feature doesn't seem to be working, since it always says "This function is deactivated under high pressure" even though I'm not running anything, not even a browser. The perfomance capacity is at 56% CPU, 52% GPU and 5% disk. Also the left fan doesn't seem to work very well. Also the coolboost doesn't help at all. It makes the fans more noisy but it didn't even lower the CPU temperature by a single degree, and this was while I had nothing running on the computer. I've tried using compressed air carefully in the fans but that didn't help.


Should I just send it in for a fix before my warranty runs out and hope it'll help make this laptop survive half a year more? I just can't believe I had my v3 for 4 years before it hit the temperatures of this one that I've had for 1½ year.


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  • brummyfan2
    brummyfan2 ACE Posts: 28,726 Trailblazer


    Have you checked for any virus with Malwarebytes? Check the Task manager for the programs running while the fan spins at high speed.

    Try running sfc /scannow following the instructions here:

  • MarcusL0
    MarcusL0 Member Posts: 3 New User

    Hey Brummyfan2. So I tried what you suggested and followed the instructions. I did FOUR scannow, and they all gave me errors that couldn't be fixed. I spent two hours trying to do the dims /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth and what not, and whenever I wrote any of those dims cleanup-image commands, then I got no result. No loading, no response besides image version. I googled and read forums for hours and still couldn't figure out how to make it respond. I checked the logs and it was all errors about hashes. I tried fast boot, safe boot, disabling all running programs, reinstalling safety programs, scanned for viruses, did a defrag of my HDD which I had to stop because the latest thing I tried was a refresh of the Windows 8.1 I even tried installing the latest 8.1 update from a .msu file and that didn't work because I kept being told "Only one instance of wxsu.exe can be running at the same time", even when I had restarted the computer and couldn't find anything in the task bar. 

    But the latest update is that atleast the right click menu is white now. I still can't install the .msu update because it just stops without any loading activity. The CPU is still at 90-96% even after refresh (as I'm typing this with one tab open in chrome and speccy running at the same time), removing all my programs and defragging 20% of the HDD. I'm waiting for scannow to give a result, and then I'll try restorehealth for maybe the 15th time today. Crossing fingers. 

    Oh and do you have any tips for making Dust defender actually work? Even after refresh, the first thing I tried was using dust defender and it said it couldn't run due to high performance pressure, at 10% CPU, 36% GPU and 33% Disk... Is it just a broken program or does my computer (which stated it was compatible with the program) just not work with the program?

  • MarcusL0
    MarcusL0 Member Posts: 3 New User

    I tried changing the maximm processing state to 80% before I did the refresh, and it was done on the battery plan I was using, and it didn't do anything. I just tried it again after the refresh, 80%, and it lowered it by 5 degrees. But it's still way too hot to sit with.

    Update: So after the first scannow after refresh, it said that there's no violations! Which is good right? What now? :/

  • brummyfan2
    brummyfan2 ACE Posts: 28,726 Trailblazer


    I would suggest you to do a Repair install, backup your importan documents, photos and other important files or a complete image using Macrium reflect free, then do a Repair install, most of the time a repair install cures the system.