DisplayPort and Acer Dock Problems

jkayca Member Posts: 1 New User
edited December 2023 in 2020 Archives

I have an Acer v15 Nitro laptop running Win 10 and am connecting it to an Acer docking station via a USB 3.1 cable. From the DisplayPort connector dock I'm attempting to connect an external display using the DisplayPort connector on the monitor.


At first when I connected everything up, I was able to see the desktop on both the laptop's own display and the external display. All looked good. However, after disconnecting the laptop from the dock and then later reconnecting I'm got an error message from Windows: "DisplayPort connection might not work. Try using a different cable." What cable is it referring to? The video cable or the USB cable? I tried another USB 3.1 cable and it worked again for exactly one time but after disconnecting and reconnecting I got the same error message.


Before even starting this I upgraded the BIOS on the laptop and updated all the Windows drivers using the Acer update utility. I even did the reset thing on the laptop where you insert a pin into a hole on the bottom of the laptop.


Finally I went to went to Acer's support site and found a newer BIOS than the update utility provided. I installed it and again, I had the one time only success with the external monitor.


Any insight? Thx.


  • EdNitro7
    EdNitro7 Member Posts: 1 New User
    3 years latter still no response...that sucks.  I'm looking for similar information.  
  • Samuel-Acer
    Samuel-Acer Moderator Posts: 708 Moderator
    Hi @EdNitro7,

    Acer community is peer support. if the moderators are not aware of a solution they may not respond to the post. 

    We request you to contact Acer support in your region to get support.
