Acer travelmate 6292 wifi issue windows 10

Ezio1 Member Publicaciones: 1 New User
editado March 2023 en Archivo del 2015

Hey guys!


I own a travelmate 6292, with win 7 pro. I tried to upgrade to win 10 and I had the problem where neither wifi or ethernet connections were available, I tried the command prompt thing, but it didnt resolve anything.


Could someone help me?



  • Jeltz191
    Jeltz191 Member Publicaciones: 1 New User

    Suspect you will be out of luck as Acer will not be suppoorting travelmate 6292 (at least according to their website)


    I also have a 6292. For me, Windows 10 upgraded fine - but then as you say without the wifi working, then on reboot it failed to boot on a driver error, which is where I find myself as we speak! Lucky for me it was a toss-up between throwing the machine out, or trying windows 10 on it!


    It will succesfully boot in windows 10 safe mode, so may start uninstalling drivers till it boots (or not). It is just possible there is a driver out there somewhere compatible with the wifi, but basically solving the problem is in your court!


    EDIT: A bit more mucking around - seems windows 10 had run out of hardware resources allocated to other things by the time it gets to the wifi/ethernet chips. I disabled the webcam and touch sensor drivers under device manager/control panel and the wifi started up fine. Looks like we might have to do without a couple of things which i never used anyway.....


    EDIT2: ...and then windows 10 downloaded some updates and now everything (wifi etc.) has stopped working again.. (sigh)




  • BvR
    BvR Member Publicaciones: 4 New User

    Have a simular problem with TM 5730 and 7730. Broadcon Netxtreme network connection, Intel 5100 Wifi and Jmicron memorycard fail, all connected to the PCI bus. Looks like an old problem with the intel chipset driver reappearing. (In windows 7 this updated driver had to be installed to connect the memorycard reader to the system). Tried the windows 7 driver, but it refuses to install. In my opinion, it is Acers obligation to its customers to have intel provide an updated driver which solves the problem with the intel 4 series express chipset, which is installed in many Travelmate, Aspire and Extensa machines. Please note that broadcom has an updated driver for the Netxtreme connection, but due to the intel flaw with the intel 4 series express chipset, the driver does not work.

    Acers position Ïntel does not support this driver anymore and we will not come with a solution is in myn opinion unacceptable. In practice it comes to this: You payed your mony, now you have a problem, you are on your own.

    I am also looking at drivers published by other manufacturers to see if they have a fix for this problem. They might have a usergroups with more leverage.

    Will keep you guys informed.

  • LoloWag
    LoloWag Member Publicaciones: 1 New User

    I got the same problem, my solution for this: 


    Device Manager -> Deactivate the Cardbus-Controller listed in "PCMCIA-Adapters".


    This fixed the Problem imediatly

  • awcarr
    awcarr Member Publicaciones: 1 New User

    Deactivating the PCMA worked for me.

  • Bruno123
    Bruno123 Member Publicaciones: 1 New User

    This is a great solution, works perfect!

    You saved my day.

    Thanks for sharing this with us.
