Acer Projector P1303W has white dots ... DMD chip?

keithinchorley Member Posts: 3 New User



The charity I help has a 28month old Acer P1303W projector which now projects white dots onto the screen. Anywhere where we commonly projected black (such as the boundaries around the outside of the welcome screen) now has many white dots. Its as if the projector remembers areas which often project black and something has burnt out and now projects a white pixel.


I believe this is the DMD chip which is an expensive component deep inside the projector - probably not a DIY replacement, even if I can buy the part.


I have read that in some parts of the world the DMD chip has a 5 year warranty


Acer has listened and didnt argue when I reminded them of the 5 year DMD chip warranty and issued a reference number so that UPS will collect the projector and send it in to them for repair - Does anybody have experience of Acer's UK treatment of warranty claims on DMD chips?


  • mpp
    mpp Member Posts: 1 New User



    The P1303W is the second Acer projector I bought, both of them started to produce dead pixels. In a few days the entire screen was filled with dead pixels. I am hesitating about buying another Acer. Can you let me know if you could get yours repaired?


    Kind regards

  • keithinchorley
    keithinchorley Member Posts: 3 New User

    Yes, ACER replaced the DMD chip under warranty and the projector is working again.


    The projector itself was 24months old so outside warranty, but I successfully argued that the DMD chip was separately warrantied for 5 years, and so ACER carried out the repair without charge

  • jcooksey
    jcooksey Member Posts: 1 New User

    My projector X1130P has white dots.  How do you contact Acer to get DMD chip replaced under the 5 year warrenty for the DMD chip?

  • bradzbrad
    bradzbrad Member Posts: 1 New User

    i`d like to know as well, My X1130p has been in the closet for over a year with this issue, i was going to toss it but thought i d see if there was any news for the DMD fix and found this thread. 


  • bryanlakatos
    bryanlakatos Member Posts: 1 New User
    Yes, I too would like to know how to talk to someone in Acer support that coupld help with this problem. I've got 4 H5360 projectors that are showing DMD problems and can't find anyone at Acer who will even talk to me about projectors: 1-855-500-1047 (Answers by Acer) doesn't support projectors 1-866-695-2237 (a number I got by calling the general Acer of America number) also does not support projectors The Live Chat LogMeIn program connected once but timed out waiting for a response - it hasn't connected again since then. Does anyone know if an Acer representative monitors these boards? Any help is appreciated!
  • caththompson
    caththompson Member Posts: 1 New User

    I have a P1220 projector with the same issue, the bots that look like dust from the top right of the projected screen.  I haven't used the projector much so not sure why this problem has occurred but it is out of the 2 year warranty  now.  I have sent an email to Acer so I will let you all know how I get on.