Wi-Fi Issues on ALL Acer Aspire 372-t laptops

Dr3w Member Posts: 2 New User
edited March 2023 in 2017 Archives

Hi guys,


There are 5 x Acer Aspire 372-t laptops in our business and each of them have Wi-Fi issues.


The devices will loose WLAN connection frequently, EVENTVWR does not provide any information regarding driver failure and other events do not relate which has not helped me troubleshoot the problem. 


4/5 laptops have been upgraded to BIOS Version 1.11 - only one laptop remains on v1.06. That user (Laptop 1) has not reported any Wi-Fi issues (TBC) and is on an older BIOS. I wanted to roll back a users laptop from v1.11 but was met with "The version of ROM file is not newer than that of BIOS". the connection will randomly drop out, the Wi-Fi settings will be greyed out 


TabletIssuesBIOS VersionWindows BuildUpdates NeededDriversChangeLog
Laptop 1No issues1.0614393NoneBIOS outdated
DisplayLink Graphics driver outdated
No changes made
Laptop 2Not in-use     
Laptop 3Wi-Fi drop outs1.1110586 (Build 1511)Anniversary Update neededBIOS Up-to-date
Atheros Qualcom driver up-to-date
User does not use Display Link Dock
Laptop 4Wi-Fi drop outs1.1114393NoneBIOS Up-to-date
Atheros Qualcom driver up-to-date
DisplayLink Graphics driver outdated
Applied fix for Build 14393 (1607) update issue and ran Windows Updates 
Laptop 5Wi-Fi drop outs1.1110586 (Build 1511)Anniversary Update neededBIOS Up-to-date
Atheros Qualcom driver up-to-date
DisplayLink Graphics driver up-to-date
[05/04/17] - Upgraded to new Display Link Graphics Driver 


Drivers used:

Atheros QCA61x4A - The Wi-Fi driver used is from the Acer site 


Scenareo #1 - Whilst user was in a meeting this morning, Laptop 4 dropped it's Wi-Fi connection. Airoplane mode was enabled and would not toggle off. WIthout rebooting, the Atheros driver was re-installed and the airoplane mode option was resolved, but no wi-fi connections were listed and the option to toggle Wifi on is greyed out. This is resolved after a reboot.


The user initially reported that when he resumed from sleep and powered the laptop on from home, he would not be able to see his own Wi-Fi until he fully rebooted the laptop. It then resolved itself. 


  • brummyfan2
    brummyfan2 ACE Posts: 28,726 Trailblazer


    Try this in one of the laptops, if it works you can do the same for others as well, go to BIOS settings and click F9 Setup Defaults, save the settings by clicking F10 and exit. HTH,


  • Dr3w
    Dr3w Member Posts: 2 New User



    Thank you for the suggestion. I tried to load the default settings immediately after the BIOS failed to downgrade. This does not revert any BIOS flash.


    I also seen people editing their BIOS updateb files on these forums which I ignored because I don't want to brick an Acer today. I have raised my request with the escalations team and sending 1/6* devices to Acer Services for assessment. 

  • brummyfan2
    brummyfan2 ACE Posts: 28,726 Trailblazer


    No problem, pressing F9 will only revert the settings and won't downgrade the BIOS, however, you have done the right thing by sending it to Acer Service, they will sort out the problem.