GN246HL Odd Colors and Blur During Motion

johnhartmanc Member Posts: 1 New User
edited March 2023 in 2017 Archives

I bought this monitor in 2015 and things have been working great. However, just recently, things have gotten strange. Everything looks perfect while things are stationary, but as soon as things on screen start to move, every motion is highlighted by an outline of annoying green dots. This is especially bad in high framerate gaming. During fast text scrolling, this also occurs and it looks like someone smeared a bunch of oil on my screen.


Killing Floor in motion 144hzKilling Floor in motion 144hz

As you can seen in the photo, it's certainly hard to ignore and it's very headache inducing. Not only does this happen in gaming, but also simply watching youtube videos or scrolling through websites really quickly. The more gross the movement, the worse it gets.


Relevant system specs:

Windows 8.1 64-bit

Nvidia GTX 970

GN246HL Monitor 1920x1080 at 144hz


Things I've tried:

- Rebooting

- Trying different cables including HDMI and DVI

- Updating graphics card drivers

- Turning lightboost on and off. Having l ightboost on at 120hz actually makes things worse.

- Different refresh rates have little effect.

- Tried another monitor. Other monitor works perfectly

