I owned acer aspire as3810tz-4402 and all the sudden can't start it one day and out of warranty

condoview Member Publicaciones: 5 New User
editado March 2023 en Archivo del 2017

I owned acer aspire as3810tz-4402 and all the sudden can't start it one day and out of warranty. First when it happens, the screen is black but I can heard the laptop is rebooting and hear the window starter sounds. I turn it off and reboot the laptop several times as I though it will fix the problem. Instead, the laptop went dead and I can't start it anymore. Can anybody help me with my problem and point me to any useful link? I didn't back up all my data and wondering if I can retrieve all my data in my laptop. Thanks.


  • brummyfan2
    brummyfan2 ACE Publicaciones: 28,726 Trailblazer


    Have you tried removing the battery,remove the AC adapter, press Power button, leave it to rest for a while, reconnect AC adapter and start?


  • condoview
    condoview Member Publicaciones: 5 New User
    Hi sorry for late reply as I just saw your reply just now. I remove the battery and press start button and plug it to charger and let it rest for 1.5 hours. The put the battery back on and turn off and turn in the laptop and unplug the charger from laptop I see my laptop blue lights is on above the keypads and the touchpad light is on and off. But the screen still black and I can't see anything at all. I don't hear the window starting sound when I turn on the laptop after plug the battery back on. Can you let me know if I am doing the right thing? Is there anything else that I need to do?
  • condoview
    condoview Member Publicaciones: 5 New User
    I have new information. I take out the battery for 12 hours and after that I put the battery in and restart the laptop. I can hear the window starting sounds but the screen still black and I can't see anything. I can see the blue light is on above the keyboard pad so I know the laptop is On but I just can't see anything. Do you know how can I see my laptop and do a backup on all my data on my laptop? I didn't do any backup beforehand so I am afraid I might lost everything and really eager to get it on to backup all my data. Your help is really appreciated. Thanks.
  • brummyfan2
    brummyfan2 ACE Publicaciones: 28,726 Trailblazer


    Have you tried connecting your laptop to an external display? You can use a HDMI cable or a VGA cable to another Desktop/Screen.

    If you could manage to get connected, you can use Macrium Reflect to backup the HDD image to an external HDD, you need to make a recovery CD as well.






  • condoview
    condoview Member Publicaciones: 5 New User
    Thanks for your prompt response and I will do all the steps that you recommended and update you with my results. Again thanks for your help.