I have an ACER 4755G, I am BSOD'ing and need to access the BIOS. F2 is not working, nor is f12, f8.

opticoax747 Member Posts: 5


How can I access the BIOS on the ACER 4755g?


I have tried mashing f2 a million times, but no luck.  f12, f8, ...none of these get me into the BIOS.


Anyone know what key combo will get me into the BIOS?


I have BSOD and cant access Windows via Safe Mode, but only the command prompt from Windows Repair.


The BSOD is a 7b meaning some disk issue...tried all troubleshooting like unplugging all peripherals, removing RAM 1 board at a time, swapping RAM position....etc.


  • opticoax747
    opticoax747 Member Posts: 5


    RUMOR:  Press Esc then F2 or F12 on bootup....will try when i get home.

  • opticoax747
    opticoax747 Member Posts: 5


    150212-003013 is the ticket number I opened with ACER....no response for 7 days now....come on ACER!!!


    None of the above solutions I tried worked...

  • opticoax747
    opticoax747 Member Posts: 5


    Believe it or not, I just opened a new ticket to ask why my old ticket wasnt being answered.....I wont buy an ACER again..I had a Dell that hummed along for 6 years....


    This ACER has run hot since day 1 and now its bsod'ing all the time.....the only thing impressive was the price...and, with ACER, you do get what you pay for.

  • opticoax747
    opticoax747 Member Posts: 5


    Acer Support's solution:  I need to contact a local service center.