Battery Advice Pls..

Saiyan32 Member Posts: 11 New User

I bought the netbook es1-131-P4YH around 1.5 month ago..... i want to know about how to maintain my 3-Cell lithium battery to gain battery performance at its best...


My regular charge schedule is,

--discharge the battery down to 20-25% (rarely 15%),then give full charge with netbook power off (though in windows 10 it almost always show 99% or 98% (rarely 100%))


-- i never used my netbook plugged in, only used it in battery power


I installed battery care software at the begining of use, it said 0% wear and then uninstalled it,today now i installed it again and this time it says 0.27%


is the battery wear percentage normal against the time passed...? i use the laptop daily, but for normal uses....sometimes for flash games..


Am i doing something wrong with charging the battery?


thanks in advance. Any help appreciated Smiley Happy


  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,218 Trailblazer

    If it were my machine, I'd be unconcerned at this point. Your use patterns seem just fine. Software that monitor's the battery's internal control chip and the chip itself are not precise and can have a error margins of a few percent. If the care software reporting 0.27% wear after 1.5 mos were accurate (which I seriously doubt) --- and continues to degrade at the same rate --- your battery would be 100% worn out in 555 months --- about 46 years! 8^)


    Jack E/NJ 

    Jack E/NJ

  • Saiyan32
    Saiyan32 Member Posts: 11 New User

    thnx for the reply... and sorry for the late response. I found out it was giving me incorrect wear value sometimes. i uninstalled it. now i feel somewhat ease.


    haha.. 48 yrs ... my battery should go to the guinness book xD

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,218 Trailblazer

    Good luck with the system and enjoy!


    Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ