Acer V5-561P internal Wi-Fi card is Kaput.

retiredghof Member Posts: 4 New User

Acer V5-561P internal Wi-Fi card is Kaput. What brand of Wi-Fi SD card would anyone recommend?  Internal card is soldered in so it cannot be replaced (per Acer).  Or is there another solution?  Acer help chat told me that when an SD card is inserted the internal Wi-Fi card will automatically disconnect.


  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,397 Trailblazer



    Could you give me the first ten characters of the laptop serial number (S/N)? Only the first ten.

  • retiredghof
    retiredghof Member Posts: 4 New User

    First 10 including letters are: NXMKBAA007.  Thank you in advance for your help.

  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,397 Trailblazer

    Your laptop is: NX.MKBAA.007 - Aspire V5-561P-6869


    The board is not soldered.Smiley Surprised

    The original WLAN and BT boards:

    NI.23600.100LAN BD.2X2.AGN.W/BT.BROADCOM
    NI.23600.102LAN BD.2X2.AGN.WB222 ATHEROR

    You can request a quote and place an order from your Acer store in using the customer service form.

    In the form:

    1- You select in "Please Select a Subject: Other"

    2- In "Describe the Problem:", you indicate the S/N of the laptop.

    3- Example:

        "Price request for the following spare parts:

         - P/N, description

         - Etc"


    You'll receive a quote by mail (pdf document). You can also phone them.

  • retiredghof
    retiredghof Member Posts: 4 New User

    Thanks for your help. again.  All that work and worry to find out that changed my user name and password to wifi by mistake.  Charter added new customer next door and reset all.  Had to call ATS on landline and charter on cell phone at the same to get it resolved.

    retired ghof