Acer Aspire One poses Catch-22 with Battery that Won't Charge

dergol Member Posts: 16 New User

Bought my Acer Aspire One (AO725) 2 years ago.  Used it for 2 weeks on a trip then put it away.  Took it out 2 years later for another trip and battery, which was fully drained for storage, wouldn't charge.


Researching issue, it became clear that battery was either bad or, as some support notes indicated, laptop needed BIOS update in order to allow fully drained battery to recharge.


Downloaded BIOS updates.  But here's the catch-22: BIOS update won't run if battery charge is below 30%.  You're kidding me, right!?  No?  Really!  Nice!  Perfect!  Thanks Acer!


So extracted contents of BIOS update package to see if I could edit out battery check prereq line in config file and then run update manually.  But once BIOS update package is extracted, there doesn't appear to be an actual bios update info file.  Nice!  Perfect!  Thanks Acer!  (Why didn't I buy the Asus netbook??)


Any suggestions?  I know I could buy a new battery.  But really don't want to shelve out another 30 bucks to put into this disappointing product.  Especially since I only used it periodically and a new battery will probably just do the same thing if stored away again.


Thanks, Dergol
