Acer Aspire E5-573 Speaker problem

martinn112 Member Posts: 32 Die Hard WiFi Icon
edited March 2023 in 2017 Archives

Hi, i have a problem with my laptop at the moment. Only one of the internal speakers works and the other one worked yesterday.

I havent changed the drivers recently nad the other speaker works fine only one of them doesnt output any sound.


  • brummyfan2
    brummyfan2 ACE Posts: 28,726 Trailblazer


    Could you please tell which side is not working, is it left side speaker or the right side speaker?

  • martinn112
    martinn112 Member Posts: 32 Die Hard WiFi Icon

    The left side, sorry i forgot to tell Smiley Tongue

  • brummyfan2
    brummyfan2 ACE Posts: 28,726 Trailblazer


    Have you opened the back cover for any upgrades(memory, ssd etc)? If so, you need to check whether you have  inserted the speaker cable properly or it may have become loose.

  • martinn112
    martinn112 Member Posts: 32 Die Hard WiFi Icon

    Yes, i did, i added 8 gb of ram to the machine since i was running quite low in RAM and i have tried disambling other laptops so i have tried taking a laptop aport before and this seems to be the first time i tried it wher esomething doesnt work. I didnt pull on the small wires i pushed it out on the white plastic of the cable and im sure that it is all the way in and it cannot be put in reversed i think.

  • brummyfan2
    brummyfan2 ACE Posts: 28,726 Trailblazer


    I would suggest you to get it checked by a technician in a local repair shop or get it done by Acer Service centre if it's still under warranty period.

  • martinn112
    martinn112 Member Posts: 32 Die Hard WiFi Icon

    Here's the thing, i asked someone from where i bought it about the warrenty if i open it up to upgrade, they said if i damage anything while disamblee they warrenty wont count, but do u think that i can still get a repair or something at acer or something?

  • brummyfan2
    brummyfan2 ACE Posts: 28,726 Trailblazer

    Hi martinn112,

    It's up to the Acer Service centre to decide in your country, most of the time they would repair it without question depending the situation/Country, I would suggest you to get in touch with the Acer Service centre, they will give you a definitive answer.

  • martinn112
    martinn112 Member Posts: 32 Die Hard WiFi Icon

    Ok, thanks i will try that, also one more question. If they will repair it should i take out the RAM i installed in this thing ? And is ther ea high possiblility that they will reapir it since i didnt break ANY warrenty seals?

  • martinn112
    martinn112 Member Posts: 32 Die Hard WiFi Icon

    Good news ii found out why the one speaker stopped working. I wasnt the cable at all it was the plug inside the pc on the motherboard. It was plugged in the wrong way somehow and one of the pins got bent to the side, so i just need to get that back  to it's original state and it should work and i found out i dont have warrenty since it's only 1 year warrenty on aspire and it was bought in 2015 i think.

  • Sylc
    Sylc Member Posts: 1 New User
    I use an acer e5-473-30m2. Recently I noticed that when I try to play a song or anything that requires having to hear a sound, I hear a very low ticking sound instead from the left corner of the laptop. I was wondering if this was a minor problem or if I need to change the speakers 
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,218 Trailblazer
    Sylc---What happens when you put on headphones to hear a song? Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ