Acer Aspire 5742 CPU high temp power OFF AFTER paste replacement

MarkinOregon Member Posts: 5 New User

Aspire 5742-7653
SN LXR4F02036...
Windows 10 Pro Vers 10.0.10586 Build 10586


I have been fighting this for months (since October).

It started after replacing the original 4gb of ram with: Crucial 8GB Kit (4GBx2) DDR3-1600 SODIMM : CT5304875
Actual part CT51264BF160B.C16FER2 4GB DDR3-PC3-12800 SODIMM 1.35V

And upgrading to Windows 10.

It was great at first. I do a lot of web research and the extra ram allowed me to load many more webpages without bogging down with disc read/write. But I started having problems waking it from hibernation, had to hold the power button until it shut off. Then it started shutting off and going into a boot-loop. No warning, just power off, reboot, then shortly after repeat! I managed to get the Windows “restart after shut down” mode changed to avoid the boot-loop.
Microsoft Event Viewer showed the processors cutting back shortly before shutting off then the Kernel-Power Event ID 41 did not properly shut down. 
It started very random but the time between shutting off got shorter and shorter. I tried to upgrade drivers but Windows said the best ones were installed. I upgraded the Bios but no change. Tried 2 other power supplies, no change.

Strangely, this notebook and my 8 yr old HP ZD8000 notebook (Win 8.1) both went into boot-loop a few days after setting power options on both to sleep/hibernate to save electricity and I set cpu to 100% when plugged in. Both notebooks had problems coming out of Hibernation. Not sure if or when I reset this but eventually the HP would not boot at all. I scrapped it yesterday after disassembling the entire notebook to check the CMOS battery. When I tried to pull the battery the socket pulled off the motherboard. The battery was at 2.6 volts. Not sure if that could have caused the non-boot but I was unable to boot to a windows 7 disc, recovery disc or anything else I could come up with. Coincidence?

My first thought was dust bunnies so I pulled it apart only to find it pretty clean inside.
I have been using it as a desktop PC, running 24/7 (5+- years) with a second monitor but I kept it elevated on a wire stand about 1-1/2” off the desk.
I found the reference on your forum about the heat sink paste so I replaced it with the last I had in a 5 year old tube. Didn't help.
I re-installed the original ram one stick at a time. Didn't help.
I bought a tube of Arctic Silver 5 and replaced the paste again. Didn't help.
I wired the fan to full 5 volts plus 2 other externally powered fans. No help.
I had been running Windows 8.1 since 8 first came out without any problems, shortly before this started I upgraded to Windows 10.
Out of desperation I reformatted the hard drive and did a clean install of Windows 10. Yup, no change.
Intel Diagnostic caused it to shut off before finishing so I turned off graphics card and CPU tests and got it to finish but it found nothing wrong. I got it to finish one time with the original ram and all my fans but it found nothing.
I am currently using it with the original ram, with the keyboard removed plus 2 other (externally powered) fans and it still shuts off with high CPU use. I am using Real Temp 3.00 with an alarm set at 90C which sometimes allows me to avoid it shutting off.

Replacement is not really and option. I am hoping you guys can help me fix it or find a work around.

I attached a comparison of 4gb versus 8gb from the Intel Diagnostic reports (condensed to show differences only).


IntelProcDiag 4gb vers 8gb.jpg




[edited for privacy-please do not post personal or unique information such as but not limited to full names, email addresses, phone numbers, full serial numbers, etc.]


  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,218 Trailblazer

    >>>Out of desperation I reformatted the hard drive and did a clean install of Windows 10. >>>


    Is the original factory recovery partition intact? Or did you make recovery media therefrom?


    Jack E/NJ  

    Jack E/NJ

  • MarkinOregon
    MarkinOregon Member Posts: 5 New User

    Hi Jack, thanks for the response.

    The recovery partition is still there but I must of deleted the data. I'vd had windows 8 on this notebook since shortly after the Enterprise Evaluation came out and didn't want to go back to Win 7.  I had a recovery disc for the Windows 10 and used it to get out of the boot loop.

    Could there be some software or drivers I am missing by doing the clean install of 10?

    This thing shut off on me twice this evening, both times I was away from my desk. The first time I was installing some software and the second was Microsoft update.  I checked the Event Viewer and the last entries before the shut off were about the processors throttling back.  The next is "previous shutdown was unexpected, ID 6008.

    I appreciate the help and thanks for the heads up on the personal information in posts. I should know better.Smiley Frustrated

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,218 Trailblazer

    >>>The recovery partition is still there >>> I'vd had windows 8 on this notebook since shortly after the Enterprise Evaluation came out and didn't want to go back to Win 7. >>>


    After all that you've done and gone thru to eliminate this issue, I think you already know what you've gotta do to determine if you more likely have hardware issues or more likely have OS/driver issues. Sorry.


    Jack E/NJ 

    Jack E/NJ

  • MarkinOregon
    MarkinOregon Member Posts: 5 New User

    Wow, didnt see that one comming.

    I been dealing with this since Oct. I know you guys are busy. I didn't want to come here before doing everything I could to fix it on my own.

    I re-read my post to figure out what you are refering to.

    If you are saying I should restore to the original installation I will try.

    I searched for an original install disc or download but could not find anything. I will keep looking.

    If you are saying I should take it in for repair, I simply don't have the money.

    I am sincerely sorry for taking up your time. I'll figure it out on my own.


  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,218 Trailblazer

    >>>If you are saying I should restore to the original installation I will try.>>>


    Yup, that's what I'm saying. I assumed you already knew about Acer's hidden eRecovery partition on the hard drive. If I erred in my assumption, I'm sorry. At any rate, if your original Acer eRecovery hidden partition is still intact, you should be able to return your system back to a factory-fresh state via the Alt+F10 boot recovery method as shown on this video.



    You have the option of saving your data by this method.


    If after restoring the system to factory-fresh, you still have the overheating shutdown issue then I would say it's hardware related. If not, then it was an updated operating system or driver issue.


    Sorry for the misunderstanding. If you do try the eRecovery method to factory fresh, please let us know how it works out.


    Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • MarkinOregon
    MarkinOregon Member Posts: 5 New User

    Sorry about the delayed response. I've been working on it.

    I had deleted the recovery partitions and I tried to recover the data but couldn't.

    I then started the process of re-installing using the set of 3 recovery disks I created right after first receiving the notebook. Took forever and when it finished it said no boot device.

    I tried using my Win 7 disk but it wanted to install a new system.

    I used FREE Partition Wizard Boot disk to recover the drive. It found the Acer install and let me explore it.

    I am in way over my head here and when formatting the drive I did not assign a letter to the drive.

    Not at all sure that is the problem but it is not letting me change the letter and there is no boot.ini file in the root directory.

    I see an option to move the partition so I will try and split it, creating a partition with C as the letter and move the Acer partition to it. I'll let you know how it goes.

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,218 Trailblazer

    >>>I had deleted the recovery partitions >>>It found the Acer install and let me explore it.>>>there is no boot.ini >>>


    I'm a bit puzzled. Was the Acer install found in a separate partition?


    Also, does the bios detect and identify your hard drive correctly? How is it formatted?


    Boot.ini usually doesn't exist in Win7.


    Jack E/NJ



    Jack E/NJ

  • MarkinOregon
    MarkinOregon Member Posts: 5 New User

    I finally had to give up on this notebook.  The problem persisted after reinstall of the factory windows 7, drivers and programs. It is sitting on the shelf. I am assuming it is a motherboard or processor. If someone knows how to test  them I would be very appreciative.  I have already ran the Intel troubleshooter but had to run it in parts. Whenever I tried to run all the tests the notebook overheated and shut off.  The troubleshooter didn't find anything wrong.

    I bought a 17" HP 4 core notebook off Ebay for $150, running Win 8.1 Pro and will I not upgrade to windows 10 until they stop monitoring every keystroke (even after you disable everything privacy related), using your hard-drive to update your neighbors PC, fix the file permissions problem and wake after hibernation issues.


    I am absolutely convinced this was caused by Windows 10.  It happened to both of my notebooks. Shortly after installing windows 10 I decided to save electricity by setting both to hibernate.  Both began having problems waking from hibernation, both went into boot-loop. I was eventually able to get the Acer up and running but then it started shutting off apparently overheating. I thought it might have been caused by the new 8 gb of ram I installed but the HP didn't get any ram upgrade. My old HP zd8000 never recovered and is now in pieces.

    Thanks for trying to help.

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,218 Trailblazer

    You said earlier >>>I set cpu to 100% when plugged in.>>>


    What precisely did you mean by this? Did you significantly tweak advanced power settings from default in control panel? Or something else?


    Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ