ACER Aspire 4750G Clock Speed Issue Intel i5 @ 798MHz

enzodecastro Member Posts: 5 New User

Good day!


I have registered in this forum in search for a solution towards my problem. First and formost, here is my laptop specifications:


Acer 4750g

Intel Core i5 2410M 2.3Ghz (Up to 2.9Ghz with turbo boost)


320GB HDD (Temporarily replaced with a faulty 600GB)


Ok, that being said, I have two questions:


  • 1. Mainly, as I've noticed the sudden slow down of my computer, I went into further research and found out that my clock speed is stuck at 798MHz via CPU-Z, it wouldn't go up nor go low, even when I open extensive programs like Photoshop or games like Modern Warfare 3 (Like it used to go up to 2Ghz and all). So going further, I opened the laptop to check if any chips or wires weren't properly placed as I had it 're-aligned' through a techcnician, I checked if the bolts and screws weren't properly fixed that could be causing the issue to no avail. I bought and tried Installing a Windows 7 64-bit and then a Windows 7 32-bit but still my CPU won't go beyond 798MHz, thus in both 32bit and 64bit, my Windows Index Calculations per second reads @ 3.4 than the usual 6.8 to 7 Score (Checked around the internet and even someone with a 4750G with only an i3 processor reads 6.6 Score in his, so something is definitely wrong with my CPU Speed)

Windows Experience Index




  • 2. Can I replace the CPU of my laptop as I've seen that it could be removed? And I did remove it and properly placed it back along with thermal pastes. (This is a minor question)


And ever since I've gotten this fixed with a technician, my Turbo boost no longer works (It prompts me that you must have turbo boost enabled blabla), I checked if they replaced my CPU with a faulty one but they didnt, it's still the same with my mark on it and serials.


To anyone who can help me remove the limit of my CPU from 798MHz, I'd really appreciate it as I've been struggling for days how to make it work.


P.S. Things I've tried:

Went to BIOS and chose Load Setup Defaults to no avail

Used ThrottleStop in hopes of tweaking the Clock speed to no avail

Tried a 32Bit and a 64Bit Windows 7 OS to no avail

Tried using GeekBench 3 to stress test my laptop but still my clock speed wouldn't even move from 798.10MHz

Cleaned the laptop

Re aligned the chips

It's temporarily at 32-Bit Operating system as I noticed that it gives me more FPS boost from 30-35 to 35-50 (Back then my FPS would go as far as 50-90, but ever since my CPU Issue, it wont throttle beyond 40 FPS sadly)


  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,218 Trailblazer

    Have you also tried eRecovery while saving your data?


    Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • enzodecastro
    enzodecastro Member Posts: 5 New User
    Yes I did..
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,218 Trailblazer

    Have any 3rd party thermal managers been installed?


    Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • enzodecastro
    enzodecastro Member Posts: 5 New User
    No sir, I have not installed any third party thermal managers..
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,218 Trailblazer

    >>>Went to BIOS and chose Load Setup Defaults to no avail>>>


    Go back into the bios menu. What options are available for the CPU?


    Jack E/NJ 

    Jack E/NJ

  • enzodecastro
    enzodecastro Member Posts: 5 New User

    The CPU isnt changeable in whatsoever way in the BIOS menu Smiley Sad


    EDIT: I even checked if it had speedstep technology which could be hindering the boost, but nope, not much you can do in the BIOS

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,218 Trailblazer

    >>>Tried using GeekBench >>>


    Have you tried the Intel diagnostic tool instead? Does control panel show any installed programs that you don't recognize?  


    Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • enzodecastro
    enzodecastro Member Posts: 5 New User
    Yes I did sir.. I reformatted it a couple of times already as well to check.
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,218 Trailblazer

    Can you post a screenshot of the Intel CPU diagnostic tool results? What CPU issues did it reveal? 


    Jack E/NJ


    Jack E/NJ