acer emachines e525

caledonia Member Posts: 1 New User

Have a acer emachines e525 laptop and the lcd has gone


bought a new lcd but its a led and my old one was a ccfl lcd


two questions (warrenty is out btw)


Has anyone had any experience with the led to ccfl convertor cables


having read up on a few things i know the invertor is bypassed and you cannot adjust the brightness its always at full brightness


also i believe it has more sucess with some screens then others


As i repair computers sometimes and have changed numoures screens before never really had this problem as i always look at the connector but must have been swayed by the title saying it would fit any e525 laptop


So i have a LED screen for a CCFL laptop so i contacted the seller (EBAY) and he says this laptop came with both led and ccfl


Is this true as i think this laptop only came with ccfl (30 pin connector as offosed to 40 pin)