Bought an Acer Aspire E-15 Laptop and NEVER RECEIVED MY SKYPE MINUTES :(

acergirl80 Member Posts: 2 New User

Hi there....


So I spent an hour this morning and ironically used up 30mins of Skype time to call Acer about my free $10 Skype voucher!


I bought this laptop about a month ago and did what many people here seemed to also do - I followed the steps outlined in the leaflet included with my purchase....I registered my product with Acer and waited for an email with the voucher number for Skype....and surprise, suprise it never arrived. 


I spoke with *6* different people this morning and wasted not only my time but my own Skype minutes calling them. 


If anyone from Acer can help me with this I would very much appreciate it - as thus far I'm extremely unimpressed with how this has been handled. 


Thank you!


  • Lucas2014
    Lucas2014 ACE Posts: 571 Pioneer

    Check the date when the promotion is valid

  • Jose-Acer
    Jose-Acer Administrator Posts: 1,378 Community Administrator



    Have you checked the Spam folder?  If you have Gmail it might have gone to the Promotions tab.  If you still haven't received the email notification, please send me a private message with the Serial Number and I'll look into this for you.

  • acergirl80
    acergirl80 Member Posts: 2 New User

    Thank you for your reply, no it definitely isn't in my promotions or spam folders....I'll send you a message now.