acer E3-111 keeps shutting down on its own. What is causing this malfunction?

llctechteam Member Posts: 11 New User

Acer E3-111 keeps shuting down on its own. Shut down after 45 minutes running. Shut down after 10 minutes running. Shuts down after 5 minutes running. Shuts down immediately after pressing power button. This occurs with and without battery present. Battery is fully charged the last time I was able to take a glimps before it shuts down. Full model is Acer E3-111 C9NY.  OS is Windows 10. Also the touch pad does not work. I am unable to update firmware or BIOS due to the device shutting down. I am more worried about the shut down problem than the touch pad. Just thought it may be related somehow. I know there are some GURU's here that may help me. Solutions would be great. I already troubleshooted most that I can troubleshoot without starting the OS or BIOS.
Also, I checked with Acer Support to see if there was a recall on this model and nothing is shown via website.

I think it may be the powerboard but not sure. I also tried the reset button on bottom while battery was still in and still same problem.

Best Answer

  • philetus
    philetus ACE Posts: 4,759 Pathfinder
    Answer ✓

    It stays on until the display starts wotking and then shuts down. It's either the Graphics chip or the HDD.

    I don't know if you tried it with just the HDD out. If the HDD is ok, you need a motherboard.


  • philetus
    philetus ACE Posts: 4,759 Pathfinder

    Sounds like a over heat problem that was doing damage that steadily got worse.  If you are still in warranty, You should contact Acer.


  • llctechteam
    llctechteam Member Posts: 11 New User

    Thanks philetus,
    I will blow out the inside and see if it fixes it. Any other suggestions will be great. 
    I'll get back with you soon.

  • llctechteam
    llctechteam Member Posts: 11 New User

    I did get the inside clean (was not dusty). Interesting, there is no fan, but there is a cooling system in the computer. I will replace the thermo paste and get back with you. 
    Hope this works!!

  • llctechteam
    llctechteam Member Posts: 11 New User

    None of the tasks performed worked. Still shutting down on its own. This time it shut down after 10 minutes.

    And I notices the power board is not seperate from the mother board. Looks like an easy replacement of the power board is not going to happen.

  • philetus
    philetus ACE Posts: 4,759 Pathfinder

    I believe the MB is bad. One last test would be to unplug the HDD, display and put in a different good memory dimm, if you have one. Should power up like this and stay on..

  • llctechteam
    llctechteam Member Posts: 11 New User

    philetus wrote:

    I believe the MB is bad. One last test would be to unplug the HDD, display and put in a different good memory dimm, if you have one. Should power up like this and stay on..

    I was thinking the mother board is bad also. I will swap the RAM out tomorrow. 

    And keep you posted.

    Thanks for the help so far.

  • llctechteam
    llctechteam Member Posts: 11 New User

    llctechteam wrote:

    philetus wrote:

    I believe the MB is bad. One last test would be to unplug the HDD, display and put in a different good memory dimm, if you have one. Should power up like this and stay on..

    I was thinking the mother board is bad also. I will swap the RAM out tomorrow. 

    And keep you posted.

    Thanks for the help so far.

    After doing the suggestion of unplugging the HDD, display and swapping the RAM, the power light did remain on for over 2 hours (as of right now). Should I re-attatach the devices and test to see if it will stay on with the working RAM? And if the problem does not exist anymore after the re-attatchment, can determine that the RAM is bad?

  • philetus
    philetus ACE Posts: 4,759 Pathfinder

    See if F2 will get bios, Try the ram then the display and then the HDD.

  • llctechteam
    llctechteam Member Posts: 11 New User

    philetus wrote:

    See if F2 will get bios, Try the ram then the display and then the HDD.

    Thanks philetus,

    I beleive I will not know if I am in BIOS if the display is not connected. I should probably at least re-connect the display.

  • philetus
    philetus ACE Posts: 4,759 Pathfinder

    Good point. You can connect a external monitor if the display makes it shut down.

  • llctechteam
    llctechteam Member Posts: 11 New User

    philetus wrote:

    Good point. You can connect a external monitor if the display makes it shut down.

    Power light is still lit..display is not visible at this point. I will have to run to the lab to get a HDMI/DVI adapter to hook it up to the external monior. 

  • llctechteam
    llctechteam Member Posts: 11 New User

    llctechteam wrote:

    philetus wrote:

    Good point. You can connect a external monitor if the display makes it shut down.

    Power light is still lit..display is not visible at this point. I will have to run to the lab to get a HDMI/DVI adapter to hook it up to the external monior. 


    No display on laptop monitor or external monitor. No indication of BIOS pulling up.

    Installed/Connected: (Known good) RAM, Display.

    Not installed/connected: HDD, (possible bad) RAM.


    Should I go ahead and install/connect everything w/good RAM? And see if it will go into BIOS or shut down automatically again?

  • philetus
    philetus ACE Posts: 4,759 Pathfinder

    Try the Fn key for the display. You should have a working display if the Motherboard is good. If not, you could have a bad graphics card.

    You shut down and removed power before plugging in display?

  • llctechteam
    llctechteam Member Posts: 11 New User

    philetus wrote:

    Try the Fn key for the display. You should have a working display if the Motherboard is good. If not, you could have a bad graphics card.

    You shut down and removed power before plugging in display?


    Yes, I remove power/battery before removing any component. 

    I have was not able to get external monitor to display.

    I reconnected everything and the display on the laptop did display and was able to get to BIOS. But, the computer continued to shut down on its own again.


  • philetus
    philetus ACE Posts: 4,759 Pathfinder
    Answer ✓

    It stays on until the display starts wotking and then shuts down. It's either the Graphics chip or the HDD.

    I don't know if you tried it with just the HDD out. If the HDD is ok, you need a motherboard.

  • llctechteam
    llctechteam Member Posts: 11 New User

    We did try it without the HDD. One of the steps we only had the RAM in and attempted to get into BIOS.

    Bad motherboard seems to be the problem. 


    Replacing motherboard or purchasing another computer seems to be in play.




    Will accept this as a solution.