Acer Aspire E5-574-57V5 How to Add RAM memory?

Richardhu828 Member Posts: 9 New User

Hi, I'm trying to figure out what type of memory I should get a 2nd RAM upgrade for my Acer Aspire E5-574G-57V5 Note-Book, I’ve found a sticker label on laptop stated c/w 4GB DDR3L memory.  I’ve downloaded CPU-Z and it shown memory Slot #1 4096 Mbytes , Module, Hyundai Electronics 4096 MB (DDR3-1600) - P/N: HMT451S6BFR8A-PB, I would appreciate anyone can help to advise the following:


  1. Can I get one other brand of 4GB RAM; say a Crucial 4GB DDR3 P/N: CT51264BF160BJ,  or a Kingston 4GB DDR3L P/N: KCP3L16SS8/4 to add up to 8GB total memory ? Does mix brands RAM works well?
  2. If yes, alternatively can I consider to add one 8GB RAM of above brand for a memory configuration of 12GB (* 4GB + 8GB )?
  3. What is the best option for the above? eg, 4GB+4GB or 8GB+8GB,  In the event I could not buy a Hyundai Electronics 4GB module locally?


Thank you and best regards. Smiley Happy

Best Answer


  • brummyfan2
    brummyfan2 ACE Posts: 28,726 Trailblazer
    Answer ✓

     Yes, you can mix brands but both module should be of same specs,it depends on your work pattern and usage of RAM, normally 8GB is more than enough, if you need 12GB, go ahead and buy another 8GB PC3L 12800 RAM stick, if you don't need that amount of RAM, get another 4GB stick and install. You will not notice any performance difference between 8GB and 12GB. Your current memory module is Low voltage module:

  • Richardhu828
    Richardhu828 Member Posts: 9 New User

    Many thanks for your quick reply.


    I would like verify again that you’ve mentioned of same specifications, does this means must be same type of DDR3L RAM and regardless of brands mix, as I’ll like to keep the existing 4GB Hyundai Electronics (DDR3-1600 - P/N: HMT451S6BFR8A-PB) and the reason to upgrade the RAM is recently I’ve experiencing my Notebook extremely slow running after Windows 10 updated for unknown reasons? However I think to roll-back to factory setting is also a painful exercise, which I hope take one step to upgrade RAM to see any improvement?

    In addition, I’ve also search YouTube and found out to disassemble this E5-574-57V5 to add RAM is also not an easy task, again I would appreciate any good suggestion to solve this Windows 10 running slowness problem.


    Thank you and best regards.Smiley Happy

  • You are welcome, yes you can keep the Hynix RAM and get another PC3L RAM stick, your current RAM uses 1.35v and it's compatible with your choice of Crucial or Kingston.


    As for the Windows running slow, you can check for any virus using Malwarebytes, upgrade your HDD to a SSD, disable any unnecessary programs running, for example, google updater, Adobe updater....etc in Task Manager. You don't need to do all of them at once but one by one.

  • lilili11
    lilili11 Member Posts: 1 New User

    Please help!!

    Support 8gb ram single?

  • lilili11 wrote:

    Please help!!

    Support 8gb ram single?

    Yes, you can install a single 8GB stick.

  • Richardhu828
    Richardhu828 Member Posts: 9 New User

    Done a checked and noticed the Task Manager shows the 100% disk utilization despites a light or no major workload task and system become unresponsive. Also done the Malwarebytes Anti-Malware and uninstalled Macafee antivirus, disabled the Windows Search, Superfetch Service , BITS and Google Updater, Adobe update service, restarted systems with only Windows 10 running but disk utilization still shown 100%, Memory utilization at 50% , just wonder is there a memory leaks or other causes?

    Logically speaking for Windows 10 systems requirements of  2GB (64bit) and hard disk space 16GB does not seems to be a hardware constraint for this Acer E5-574G notebook?


    I’m really running out of idea what is the next cause of action?  Does upgrade to 8GB RAM will help to solve the problem? Not to mention a SSD upgrade requires to retain the 1TB HDD disk data space and remove the DVD bay?


    I would really appreciate any good suggestion and help to solve this Windows 10 running slow problem.


    Thank you and Best Reagrds.


  • Richardhu828
    Richardhu828 Member Posts: 9 New User

    Hi, Brummyfan2


    I’ve followed your suggestion and cannot find the > devmgmt.msc > IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers > “Standard SATA AHCI Controller” Driver Details Tab and checked the events viewer logs also cannot find any Event ID 129, which represent resets of the disk controller. My guess this  MS Article ID: 3083595 description is for SSD but my notebook is a HDD.


    Thank you and best regards.

  • Hi Richard,

    Sorry about the misunderstanding, I would suggest you to invest in a medium sized SSD and use the HDD for your data, it will solve all your problems, HDDs are the bottleneck in laptops.


  • Richardhu828
    Richardhu828 Member Posts: 9 New User

    Hi Brummyfan2,


    Thanks again and I will explore the SSD option after upgrade RAM to 8GM first, the reason is it requires to source for a HDD holder kit and fix into DVD slot, which I think securing it could be an issue when carry round the notebook, meanwhile I’m still searching for a possible solution for Windows 10 system unresponsive problem and I really very much appreciated anyone with good suggestion for a quick solution.


    Best regards.Smiley Indifferent

  • Hi Richard,

    You could try check for any corrupted files in your OS by using sfc /scannow command, you need to run it at least 3times.

  • Richardhu828
    Richardhu828 Member Posts: 9 New User

    Hi Brummyfan2,


    Kindly could you advice what is the typical memory % utilization on Windows 10 system with just a minimum sets of start-up process and background tasks? For example, say below 50% or 30% while Windows 10 is running minimum tasks?  As I’ve google search and found some suggestions to adjust the system setting on Virtual memory file pageing size on HDD to follow the physical RAM size ( 4x 1024M = 4GB)  for minimum size and 2 X for maximum, however the recommended is 1899MB and wonder will this setting relative affect the disk % utilization ? Btw, any suggestion of memory leaks monitoring tools can be downloaded?


    Thank you and best regards.  

  • Hi,

    Mine says 44% and that's OK, if your's is very high use the fix from the video, regarding your paging file, I always leave it to the system to manage it.

  • Richardhu828
    Richardhu828 Member Posts: 9 New User

    Hi Brummyfan2,


    I would like to update the status of my Acer Aspire E5-574G-57V5 Note-Book upgrade, I had purchased the following items:

    1. One Crucial 4GB DDR3 P/N: CT51264BF160BJ
    2. Crucial SSD MX300 750GB (Limited Edition)
    3. An external HDD casing for the existing Seagate 1TB (ST1000LM024) HDD with a USB connector.

    After searched Google and YouTube video for the HDD to SSD OS migration procedure, I’ve decided to use the Acer e-recovery management to restore Windows 10 factory setting from the backup USB procedure, for a reason to eliminate the existing Windows 10 files corruption being clone to new Crucial SSD, as try to achieve a clean factory OS to reset the notebook.


    The restore and re-installation of Windows 10 was done successfully, the Windows 10 system was able to boot up from SSD and the task manager shown Disk utilization dropped significantly to about 3% and memory utilization 32%  (*now 8GB).


    However, I’ve discovered an issue that the Control Panel > Device Manager > Disk Drives name was still shown as previous Seagate 1TB (ST1000LM024) and right click the properties shown the driver is working property > Microsoft Driver version 10.0.10586.0 (21/6/2006).


    Again I tried uninstalled the driver and did a scan for hardware change with the same result. Then I’ve tried boot from inside Windows 10 to check the UEFI Firmware BIOS settings and it shown the Crucial MX300 750GB was recognised as SSD. In addition, I’ve also tried Power Off and Power up again, pressed F2 key entered in to BIOS menu and it recognised as Crucial Model CT750MX300SSD1.


    Further confirmation I’ve downloaded & installed Crucial Storage Executive, V 3.34 as a client and also verified the MX300 was presented, but at the same website forum community I’ve also reads a few Crucial Community posting on MX300 freeze on Windows 10, it seems to have other difference issue.


    At the moment, the Crucial MX300 SSD is accessible. However I’m not sure will it running it as optimal speeds performance or will it cause any mismatch issue?


    I’ve also search MS website and posted a question in MS community forum to seek for some expert advice for a possible solution for this disk driver name mismatch in Device Manager.


    I would appreciate anyone in this Acer Community can also help for a good solution.


    Thank you and Best Regards.

  • Hi Richard,

    Thanks for your update, you don't need to worry about mismatch of your hardware info, it will alter by itself after few reboots, for the time being you forget about it and carry on enjoying your laptop( have a look at my snip, I actually have a i5-7200).

    I would suggest you not to rely on Crucial Storage Executive, it's a useless piece of software IMHO, to safeguard yourself from any failure of SSD, I would suggest you to use Macrium Reflect Free and create a recovery disk, back up regularly working copies of your SSD( I prefer full image), I have provided some links for tutorials( backup and recovery disk)



  • Richardhu828
    Richardhu828 Member Posts: 9 New User

    Hi Brummyfan2,


    Many thanks for your information.


    The Macrium Reflect Free is really a great backup software and I’ve created a Rescue CD with Windows PE and yet to do a full image backup as my notebook current SSD disk partition C: is 522GB, I still wonder how to find an external USB disk space to house this huge image and might again needs run to a HW shop purchase a new high capacity HDD, also found out that Macrium Reflect has an option to high compression backup but it’s not recommendation, meanwhile I still holding on to the existing HDD just in case for any unexpected issue on new SSD upgrade.


    Macrium Reflect website mentioned the latest free version 6.3 support the differential Images for faster backups and reduced storage space and I am yet to explore how it works (* Still searching for a tutorial) ?


    Thank again for your great suggestion and Best Regards.

  • Richardhu828
    Richardhu828 Member Posts: 9 New User

    Hi Brummyfan2,


    Good day. I would like to update that my Acer Aspire E5-574G-57V5 note-book of Crucial MX300 SSD incorrectly name in Device Manager has been resolved, I’ve found a forum post in provided a quick good solution and Intel website link on Intel(R) Chipset Device Software details information:


    The solution is run msconfig command to change setting to Safe mode boot and delete the wrong name disk driver, then a reboot again to update the device driver and the Crucial CT750MX300SSD1 name was updated, finally done a re-boot of Windows 10 back to normal operation and the issue resolved.


    The Fernando's Win-RAID Forum (Storage Drivers) preliminary notes regarding Intel's Chipset drivers is also great help for my understanding on Device Manager real driver (= .SYS file) is just a textmode (= .INF) files, the SSD disk driver is the same Microsoft version 10.0.14393.0 (21/6/2006).


    Thank you and Best Regards.Smiley Very Happy