replace start switch on 945G-M6

abrogard Member Posts: 16


I have a 945G-M6 board in an Acer and the start switch has died.  I took it out and looked at it and the microswitch just fell off the board.  Dry joints I suppose.


How can I rig up some other kind of start switch?  Or get a replacement?  Anyone know?

Best Answer


  • Hello,


    Could you give me the first ten characters of the computer serial number (S/N)? Only the first ten.

    Start switch? I suppose you talk about the board of the power button. Correct?

  • abrogard
    abrogard Member Posts: 16


    The first ten, ONLY ?  That makes it a bit hard.


    The text on the side panel of the case says:  E650 MMX5  SNID ****

                                                                       P/N  AS.E6697.470HE

                                                                       W/O:  36003848


    No ten digits there.  Unless it's the P/N  (Part number?)


    Inside the case there's a massive number:   2ZOT4-004-GP625027552800 (YT)


    That's all I know. Remember, this is Australia.  We often get funny differences to American practice even when manufactured in America.


    And yes, I'm talking about that little tiny board the on/off microswitch is fastened to.


    Smiley Happy


    [edited for privacy-please do not post personal or unique information such as but not limited to full names, email addresses, phone numbers, full serial numbers, etc.]




  • Hello,


    Unfortunately I only found these parts:

    42.S46VF.001 - POWER BUTTON


    You should contact the Acer ASPR and request them if they have one of these parts in stock.

    Do you see some indication on the PCB?

  • abrogard
    abrogard Member Posts: 16



    It has MG-47 written on it.


    IMG_1697 [640x480].JPG


    If I could just get a board diagram I could perhaps identify which wires are the power wires and I could fasten some switch to them.  There is a blue and white pair and a green and white pair.  Maybe I could just try shorting combinations of them until I find which pair start it up?  Or that might fry something inadvertently?

  • RevoMaxx
    RevoMaxx ACE Posts: 458 Pioneer

    Sorry I don' t want to talk out of turn. but if you can check the part with a Multi Meter, you could test what is open and closed. I don't know that part but if it is as I would think it would be a Momentary switch, You push and it makes contact, you let go and the contact is broken. IF that is the case you could use most any momentary switch to get you by until you find one for your system to replace it. ONly thing is it would be lacking the LEDs to show that the power is on.... OR you could on the PCB find with your meter what makes the contact when the button is pressed and then put the switch connected there to give you the light function as well.... 



  • abrogard
    abrogard Member Posts: 16


    Yes James, thank you.  You are not speaking out of turn at all.  What you suggest is precisely what I was referring to when I mentioned getting a board diagram if anyone has one or can just look at a board perhaps they have and tell me which of the wires I can connect together to start the machine?


    I am aware one only needs to touch the wires together and then let them seperate again.  This is what the microswitch does, I think.  I've done this before with a motherboard on the bench. Just touch a screwdriver across the terminals and it starts it up. 

  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,397 Trailblazer
    Answer ✓

    Hello abrogard,


    Here is the front panel header of Aspire E650:

    Pin6 and pin8= power switch so you should easily identify the corresponding wires.

    I probably found your board.


  • abrogard
    abrogard Member Posts: 16



    Thank you for that, Ace. Exactly what I wanted. You are a miracle worker.


    Thanks, too, for the link to the switch on eBay. 






    Smiley Happy


  • You're welcome... I'm searching the Acer part number but it's difficult! ...

  • abrogard
    abrogard Member Posts: 16


    I have marked this thread as solved so I suppose I should start a new one.


    Before I get a new switch I've tried to short out pins 6 and 8 on the old one and no matter what I do I get no response from the board.


    I say again the PSU seems okay according to my tester.


    And the external hard drive has its own power source but it doesn't come to life until it gets a message from the pc.  And it comes to life okay.  LIke I don't see anything onscreen because the pc is not alive but the led comes on.


    So would that be the onboard switch on circuitry is blown?  Nothing to do there but scrap the board?


    should I put this in a new thread?

  • ElizabethS
    ElizabethS Member Posts: 845 Practitioner WiFi Icon

    If you are continuing on with the same or closely related topic, it should remain on this thread. If you would like, I can remove the resolved status.

  • RevoMaxx
    RevoMaxx ACE Posts: 458 Pioneer

    So to understand the problem better?


    Before you had this switch issue your computer was working fine? Would power on with the Push of your power button? Then one day you tried to turn on your computer and it wouldn;'t start? So looking over your wires you traced it back to your power button PCB? At this point it fell apart? There should have been 4 wires going to your power button board! 2 for the power switch, and 2 for the LEDS. Could have been Green/White and Blue/White wires? With wires twisted it is a safe bet with no power on that you could short out either the Green/White to see if the power comes on. if not you could try the Blue/White and if it didnt come on, I would say may have an issue with PS or the MB 


    Now you say that you have tried to short the pins that another poster stated was your POWER, LED, HDD LED and other connected parts.... I am wondering looking at the PCB that you have a picture of with the 2 LEDS and the missing power button, Have you treid to take the 2 wires from the power button touch them together and see if the computer comes alive that way or just trying to short the 2 pins off the header?




  • abrogard
    abrogard Member Posts: 16



    No, haven't touched the header.  The plug is still in it.  I've tried to short the green/white and the blue/white by touching two ends of a piece of wire onto the metal of the disconnected plug at the on/off switch.  The metal that shows through the plastic at each wire's entry point therel.  If you see what I mean.


    What happened was the computer was working fine one day and the next day it would switch on and then die almost immediately.  I mean the fans spun around, it made starting up noises.  Lasted only maybe three or four seconds and then the fans spun down, it went off. 


    Push the switch again, same thing again.  Like that.


    So I took the switch out and was looking at it, thought maybe to replace the microswitch on the board, touched a pair of pliers to one leg of the microswitch and both legs at the other side immediately detached from the board.  Dry joints.  Poor connection.


    So that's where we're up to.

  • Hello,


    A stupid question:

    Have you replaced the Cmos battery?

  • abrogard
    abrogard Member Posts: 16


    Not stupid at all, I think.  However it's not the answer, it seems.  I have replaced it - since your question - and it hasn't improved matters.


    I'm looking for another D945 board on ebay right now.


    and p.s.  I've been at the header recently, too, and failed to get anything out shorting the appropriate pins on it.