acer aspire when I use alt-F12 for recovery I get f7399dbe and [ noexecute=optin

asugom66 Member Posts: 5 New User
edited March 2023 in 2017 Archives

 so how can I set to factory default

system is Windows Vista edition familiale premium (french version)

and I dont have the Acer tool bar on desktop or in menu (it should be there)

I also have an original Vista dvd and when I use it; it ask me to insert another dvd or usb with "Pilote" on it????


serial; ptsb30x0849070d5952702


window start ok but I just want to restore all to bran new.


  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer

    it's Alt+F10

    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • asugom66
    asugom66 Member Posts: 5 New User

    my mistake I did use alt-F10 and got same as I said

  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer

    Do you have Acer erecovery software on your system?

    if so, it's better if you try to create a bootable media.


    about the "Pilote" request...honestly i don't know; probably you need to wipe completly the HDD before installing using a vanilla VIsta DVD.


    Check on Disk management if Acer recovery partition (can be named PQservice) is still intact, it must be around 8-16GB.

    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • asugom66
    asugom66 Member Posts: 5 New User

    no Acer recovery partition not there, I search also for anything call "Acer" and they is nothing.

    it should be there as far I know but for some reason it's not.


    also when I try the dvd and look for the so call Pilote I can see C drive with 4 usb slot AND 1 drive call; X:BOOT


    Pilote = window want a digital signature (which is built in as far I know) I got the winVista genuine sticker on the tower

  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer
    edited November 2020

    if installation is asking about a product key, you can use the product key on the sticker if version match, if not, you can't install it.


    without the recovery partition, you can't do anything, apart buying the original recovery disks from still available:


    Acer recovery media


    if you are outside the US and Canada, you must call/email your regional Acer support service:

    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • asugom66
    asugom66 Member Posts: 5 New User

    yep I still have to try the dvd with product key

    I just asume this was all built in like my other Acer laptop,but this one got winXP so it's bug free for life!!!!!


    is they a way to format the C drive if ever the Vista dvd recovery fail?  (then I could try to install XP on this one too maybe)

  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer

    you can boot from XP disk or Vista DVD, once at language selection press shift + f10,

    at command prompt



    then on diskpart type
    list disk
    take note of the correct disk ID to erase
    select disk x
    (x is the ID of your HDD to erase)


    close the command prompt once the process end and continue to installation

    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,397 Trailblazer

    Hi Ironfly,

    Just for information: I also own a desktop with Windows Vista 32-bit. I created the recovery media when it was new and I have two DVDs. I think his original DVD is only one of them. IIRC, PQ Service is an hidden partition and not visible on Disk Management.

  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer

    as far as i know, PQservice is visible under disk management, at least i can find a lot of reference on the web.

    and about the VIsta DVD, i thought it was a Vanilla version (Microsoft).

    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • asugom66
    asugom66 Member Posts: 5 New User

    the computer avove I was talking about is some what fix and the owner can use it now and none of the tips and help here work  but it was nice to try and help me,I do apreciate all the help.


    resume of all

    the computer got his virus when the owner install Skype and is install many file call; "pup.optionl.installCore"

    this virus cause in this case;win Vista still work but can not more be restore to factory default by any way possible (all it could do is restore back to early 2016)


    To fix it:

    I tried all said here and nothing work

    I restore to early 2016,install CCleaner/clean the registry and all restore point

    Then I install mbam-setup- (antimalaware free of use)/use it and it found 367 virus files most call "pup.optionl.installCore" and delete them all

    Then I re-use CCleaner to clean registry

    Then I remove any thing related to Skype and Chromium (CCleaner again)

    Then I remove Window Essential and Silverlight (CC again)

    I stop all future update of Vista

    I kept win explorer install but told the owner to never ever use it again (and never update it),Later I will remove it totally.

    I install Firefox and AdsBlocker and Popup Block


    The Compurter itself is fine but still have a virus

    Acer sell computer and they can not fix it because any version of Windows past XPhave control over it.

    So far it still work ok and should for a long time (as long the user stop doing update)

    The Solution;

    would be that Acer make a computer with a buton that restore to default THAT actually work,but this would cause selling less computers and they must make monney them dude,so I sugguest that Acer sell for cash each 1 or 2 years a cheap update to fix this scam,make less computer and sell program,dam sure a program cost less to make AND create less garbage for the planet dump site.


    in mean time; I got a computer too; a winXP also Acer and it will last for ever as far I know as long I keep idiotic Windows to be the boss of my machine


    good luck to all