TC-605 - upgrading processor to i7-4790

tieks0 Member Posts: 7


Hello. the socket is correct for this type of processor, lga1150, but I just wanted to ask and make sure that the board (H81) on TC-605 will recognize a Devils Canyon chip?


  • JordanB
    JordanB ACE Posts: 3,729 Pathfinder

    Some TC-605 actually come with a 4790, so you know it will work. Smiley Wink  


    It would be a good idea to have the latest BIOS ensure it supports Haswell Refresh.  


    If your TC-605 came pre-installed with Windows 8.1, then the latest BIOS is P11.B4


    if you need help with BIOS version or how to flash....just ask and I can tell you or someone can tell you......


    edit: what cpu do you have now? You made need to double check the CPU cooler.  Someone on this forum said they tried to install the stock Intel CPU cooler that comes with an Intel CPU and it wouldn't fit.  Not sure if that's true or not, but you might have to order the CPU cooler from Acer.  If you currently have an i5 or i7, your existing cooler should be fine.  I will try and double check on it within the next couple days if you post your CPU. 

    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • tieks0
    tieks0 Member Posts: 7


    Thanks for your reply JordanB. My TC-605 shipped with an i3-4160 Smiley Sad and Windows 7. Have since upgraded to Windows 10 even though Acer says it isn't supported, I havent had any problems Smiley Happy. I got it Fedurary 2015 and really want to upgrade cpu. I have never changed my bios before so I will have to look into this further if necessary..


    As for the stock fans, i thought that all stock intel fans were the same size? i open up the case to clean every so often and there seems to be enough room for it

  • JordanB
    JordanB ACE Posts: 3,729 Pathfinder

    Since your computer came pre-installed with Windows 7, I don't think you'll be able to use P11.B4.


    The P11.xx BIOS are for Windows 8 UEFI TC-605 (and Windows 10 UEFI)

    The P21.xx BIOS are for Wndows 7 UEFI TC-605


    I don't know if it will allow you to use a P11.xx BIOS even though you are using Windows 10.  On second thought, I don't think you need to update BIOS anyway since i7 4790 was released 2nd quarter of 2014 so your current BIOS should be fine and support haswell that I think of it.



    Regarding CPU cooler and "fit"..........I think what he meant was he couldn't get the stock Intel CPU cooler pins to attach properly to the mainboard.  Since I've never attempted it myself on a TC-605, I don't know whether he was just having cockpit error or they really don't fit/attach properly to the Acer TC-605 mainboard.


    If for some crazy reason the stock Intel CPU cooler doesn't fit (doesn't attach properly), check the part number on your existing CPU cooler and someone on this forum can tell  you if it is adequate.  Some of the pre-installed Acer cpu coolers for an i3 TC-605 are not adequate to handle an i7-4790.


    Or you can call Acer and explain to them that you need a larger cpu cooler for TC-605 because you upgraded the i3 to a i7......and they should be able to sell you the part.......if it turns out that you need a bigger cpu cooler. 


     Edit: Some of the Acer TC-605's that originally came with i7 4790, also came pre-installed with Winodws 7.  So don't worry about the BIOS as it will be a non-issue.

    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • JordanB
    JordanB ACE Posts: 3,729 Pathfinder

    I should ask......


    What BIOS version do you currently have installed?


    To check your current BIOS version:


    1. right click on Windows start button

    2. left click on Run

    3. type msinfo32

    4. click ok

    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,397 Trailblazer

    Hi tieks0,


    For information:

    Here are the original processors:

  • JordanB
    JordanB ACE Posts: 3,729 Pathfinder

    I3 4160 is Haswell refresh and was released 3rd quarter of 2014, so that pretty much confirms that you won't need to update the BIOS. 

    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • tieks0
    tieks0 Member Posts: 7


    my bios is P21-A3 which is current with your previous post. I think everything looks good now for me to upgrade

  • JordanB
    JordanB ACE Posts: 3,729 Pathfinder

    Ok.  P21.A4 is the latest BIOS but I doubt it has anything you need.  If you decide to flash to the latest P21.A4.....

    I would probably flash it, but that's totally up to you.


    1. Download P21.A4

    2. Extract

    3. Grab a USB flash thumb drive

    4.  Copy the Win and ROM folders to the USB flash drive

    5.  Open an Admin Command Prompt (you can find Admin Command Prompt by right clicking on Windows Start button)

    6.  If your USB flash drive has a drive letter of F, then you would type......



    cd win



    7. After it completes the flashing process, then restart your computer.

    8. Press the Delete key on your keyboard when prompted to enter BIOS settings

    9. Load BIOS defaults (F9)

    10. Save/Exit (F10)

    11.  That's it


    If my instructions don't make sense, then read the PDF file README "BIOS Flash SOP for Acer Desktop"






    I'll post the list of CPU cooler part numbers for the TC-605 just in case that Intel CPU cooler that comes with your i7 4790 doesn't attach correctly to the motherboard.  If your existing Acer CPU cooler is only 65W, then you don't want to use that for the i7 4790.  I have part number DC.10811.00J installed on my i5 4440.  It's 95W and I assume it would work fine with either i7 4770 or i7 4790 too.  You could probably buy it new from Acer or pick it up used on ebay.  But your best bet (if that Intel CPU cooler doesn't fit properly) is to call Acer and ask them which part (which cpu cooler) you need for i7 4790.  You'd have to explain to them that you were upgrading the CPU to i7 4790, because if you just gave them your serial number or SNID, they would most likely give you the wrong part number.


     It's possible that you already have a 95W cpu cooler installed......I simply don't know.  Your existing CPU cooler part number is written on your CPU cooler.  It's on a white sticker.








    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • JordanB
    JordanB ACE Posts: 3,729 Pathfinder

    Part# of my cpu cooler on my TC-605 w/ i5 4440


    IMG_0068edt (2).jpg

    I'm not an Acer employee.