TC-603 BIOS update failure

corigins Member Posts: 6


Aspire TC-603 with Windows 8.1. As a matter of course I thought I would update the P11.A4 BIOS through the Windows method. The dialogue is not very informative except for the reading, writing and verifying phases, but I did see "Done" elsewhere so I assumed it was finished.


Restarted and Windows 8.1 loaded ok. Switched it off to install a new HDD, now no display. I suspect now something did go wrong with the update. Have since pulled the CMOS battery and mains power to no avail. Maybe Jumper is next.


I've read here and there about the Acer "Crisis mode" of BIOS recovery. I have a USB flash formatted in Fat32, I have a CAP file that I somehow have to convert to a ROM and then rename to "fd"? Have read other comments including someone who may have just renamed the CAP to ROM for the recovery.


Does anybody have any input they'd like to share to help me here?


  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer

    Check Private messages

    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • mosconim
    mosconim Member Posts: 1 New User

    I've the same problem with veriton x4620g. Help needed. thx

  • teamallow
    teamallow Member Posts: 1 New User

    I have the same issue would be glad if you could help me, too. Thanks

  • Xbudz
    Xbudz Member Posts: 2 New User

    I have a TC-603 and the same issue. My Bios updated incorrectly in Windows and I need help to get it to boot again.

    Can somebody please help?

  • Rennegade
    Rennegade Member Posts: 1 New User

    Hello, i would like to ask you for solution with same problem as decribed in this topic.

    What i did,

    1) dowloaded latest version of bios update P11-A4 for TC-603

    2) used windows updater with positive result

    3) rerstarted pc

    4) boot up to windows

    5) no login screen

    6) pressed ctrl+alt+delete and reboot PC

    5) now PC looks death - only long one beep and everything looks as fine but havent no video output


    So can you help please.


    Many thanks

  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer

    without video output is very hard to fix it.


    try to do a CMOS reset:

    unplug power cable

    open the PC case

    take off the CMOS battery (silver button)

    press power button twice

    don't touch the PC for about 5 minutes

    put everything back and boot


    if your PC has more than one video output, try other ports too.

    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • TripleTHW
    TripleTHW Member Posts: 4 New User

    One and a half years later I have the same problem: BIOS Update P11-A4 on Acer TC-603, everything looked alright, but now I get a black screen. How did the other victims solved this problem??? What was the reason in the end? Need your help, thank you!

  • Xbudz
    Xbudz Member Posts: 2 New User
    Unhook your monitor from your graphics card.

    Plug the monitor directly into the built-in VGA port on the back of your tower.

    See if you get any signal when turning on.

    If you don't see anything on screen, the only thing you can do is load the correct firmware onto a USB stick from another computer and plug it into your Acer.

    Trial and error loading the firmware from USB with keyboard shortcuts. (could be anything from Function+Escape at boot, to holding Control or Shift + the F keys at boot.)

    I was eventually able to solve this but it was not easy. Let me know how you do.
  • TripleTHW
    TripleTHW Member Posts: 4 New User

    Thank you for your answer! I will realize your suggestions and report later. Sorry for my German English, sounds like a 1:1 translation from google Smiley Wink

  • wilcaro
    wilcaro Member Posts: 1 New User

    Hi, same problem. Do you managed to restart ?

  • stefandewal
    stefandewal Member Posts: 5


    Hi there,

    i have a acer tc 603 with the core i5 4440. when i turn it it gives me one beep and no video output. i have tried different memory modules but no go.

    i do not what started the error as i got the desktop which was already broken.
  • Espionage724
    Espionage724 Member Posts: 20 Networker
    edited June 2018
    Not a solution for anyone with a corrupted BIOS already, but if you know the general process to go about it (hardware SPI flasher and SOIC clip), it'd be a good idea to keep a copy of your BIOS chip's contents backed up somewhere.

    I have a copy of mine back when I was trying to perform a BIOS mod and do me_cleaner. Came in handy recently when I had to undo something actually :p
  • Flipmo40
    Flipmo40 Member Posts: 2 New User
    I have the same problem... One beep, no video output/black screen... After updating bios with P11.04... On aspire T-603. Did the bios update because bios didn't always (most of the time) detect new ssd... With F12 I could go in windows... But bios didn't start Windows properly... And Icouldn't change the settings in bios properly. Thought the update would change that. Suggestions? Did already try to reset c-mos... Battery out... No solution. 
  • D3i
    D3i Member Posts: 4 New User


    I have the same problem. I updated the bios since the computer didn't recognize my new SSD.

    Unfortunately, after the BIOS upgrade, the PC didn't restart.

    Now, it only emits one beep.

    Someone has a solution since the first post ?

  • Larryodie
    Larryodie Member Posts: 1,830 Community Aficionado WiFi Icon

    I copied this from this board. Please let us know if it works. I also suggest removing your new drive until you're running.

    The one beep could also be a memory problem so reseat/eliminate ram before you go to my procedure.Also reset via the reset jumper.


    1. On the 8Gb USB stick, create a Windows boot disk. You can do this from here :
    2. On the other USB stick copy the unzipped BIOS update. You can download it from the Acer model's product support page.
    3. Put both of these USB sticks into USB ports on your PC.
    4. Boot to the Windows boot disk. On my Acer, I had to press F12 to select a boot drive, and pick my Windows boot disk.
    5. When the Windows boot disk loads, select "Repair My Computer". It's a small link in the window so look for it.
    6. From the Windows repair options, find the DOS command prompt and open it.
    7. Once in a command prompt, poke the ***** out of drive letters until you find the drive that was assigned to the USB stick which contains the BIOS you want to flash. Mine mounted to drive E.
    8. Once in the drive that contains your BIOS you want to flash, find the .bat file to flash your BIOS.
    9. Execute the DOS command to run the .bat file.

    You may get an error after the .bat process completes, but for me, it actually flashed the BIOS properly.

    Now you can use your computer again.

  • D3i
    D3i Member Posts: 4 New User


    Unfortunately, i don't have access to the F12 button. My screen is black and the PC is only beeping

    Any other ideas ?

  • Larryodie
    Larryodie Member Posts: 1,830 Community Aficionado WiFi Icon

    Oops Sorry.

    Try resetting the CMOS with the jumper (unplug the unit from the wall.

    Possibly leave it unplugged overnight.

  • D3i
    D3i Member Posts: 4 New User

    I've already tried the CMOS reset, but no changes.

    Thanks anyway