Since up grade to windows 10

t1 Member Posts: 2 New User

Since up garade my device can no longer read CC/ DVD player any help would be welocome


  • RevoMaxx
    RevoMaxx ACE Posts: 458 Pioneer

    Maybe if you could provide the make and model of your device others may be able to help you better with your issues. 


    YOur problem has been in place since the upgrade not after a few day week or month? IF it is within the last 30 days since you made the update to 10 I would say roll it back to your old software.... Also have you checked to make sure your Hardware is supported by Acer for Windows 10.... Not everyone that gets the Free Upgrade can make it without problems.....  Just remember if yours or any model isn't there don't mean it may not make an update to 10, Just there may be some issues... 

