Need drivers for Acer Aspire M3970

jetman Member Posts: 19 New User

I have an Acer Aspire M3970 desktop. It came equiped with a wireless network adapter Anatel WN7601R-H1

RT3090PCIE WLAN card. I need the drivers for this item, which I atempted to obtain on Acer's support site. It requested my serial # [edited to comply with guidelines] Which I inserted and pressed "search". The circle search icon 

started spinning in a search mode, and never produced any results. I then tried searching with the model number,

and it did not respond. I searched system information which showed me as the registered owner, warranty date, and warranty ending date. I am baffled that it will not help me obtain the drivers I need. Your assistance would help.

[edited for privacy]


  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,397 Trailblazer



    Which OS do you use?

    You can also find it with Acer recovery management - Reinstall drivers and applications - Install the WLAN driver.

  • jetman
    jetman Member Posts: 19 New User

    Hello L______


    I have windows 7 Pro, and Iam upgraded to windows 10 Pro. I am a little leary about Acer Recovery Management. I can not afford to lose any data as a result of using the Recovery Management.


    My problem started one day when I noticed wifi indicator was missing from my data bar near the clock. I started troubleshooting to see of I could revive it by replacing the driver. However, I lost the driver from the device manager display while attempting troubleshooting. After two months, I located a new exact duplicate Lan card, which I will have in a week or so. Installing the replacement card will need the driver. I did not receive an answer if the driver was available from Acer. although I suspect that being out of warranty, it excludes me from obtainning it from Acer. I am really seeking help if I can from those who know. I thank you for your input, and any additional help you might provide.

  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,397 Trailblazer

    However, I lost the driver from the device manager display while attempting troubleshooting.

    Have you tried View - Show hidden devices in Device manager?

    Have you tried the Microsoft driver for this device?

  • jetman
    jetman Member Posts: 19 New User

    Could you advise where I find the view selection you asked about. Also, what do I need to do to obtain the microsoft driver. Since I do not have the replacement lan card yet, should I reinstall the original card, and if I try the view or microsoft driver, and it does nut help, I guess I can assume the Lan card is not working. Thanks again

  • jetman
    jetman Member Posts: 19 New User

    I opened the device manager and selected view. There were several items listed, the first was 802.11 wireless lan card, and further down the list, was th pci controller that is visible in the device manager under network adapter. The wireless networkcard was not visible. I right hand clicked on the wireless network card that was listed and was able ti\o select upgrade driver scan which noted that the installed driver is determined to be the best one. The pci controller was the same results as the wirelss network card. I did not have the lan card installed while accomplishing these checks. How do I find a microsoft driver which can be applied to the replacement card when I receive it. Is there anything you can advise if I install the original can, to do. Keeping in mind, that the wifi just quit one day while I was online.

  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,397 Trailblazer



    Sorry but that becomes confused. Which drivers do you need exactly?

    1. WLAN (Ralink RT3090 --> MediaTeck)
      Detail of the original driver: "Ralink RT2860 Wireless LAN Card series"
      So I would try to install the third driver of this MediaTeck webpage with the original Wlan board.
      Direct link:
    3. LAN (Realtek RTL8169)
      Install this driver from Realtek website.

      Win10 Auto Installation Program (SID:1767853)

    4. Could you post here a screen shot of the Device manager?
  • jetman
    jetman Member Posts: 19 New User

    Hello L

    I need the drivers for my Wlan card, Anatel WN07601R-H1. Please clarify what drivers I should use from Ralink. I have reinstalled installed my original wlan card. I have also got a screen shot of device manager, although I am having a problem on how to attach it.


  • jetman
    jetman Member Posts: 19 New User



    It is so fustrating that I keep running in to a deadend. I downloaded the third driver on the Mediatek page, and when I attempted to opened it, I received a notice thatthe publisher of the software has been blocked from running on my computer. If I right click on the file, it states reported to be unsafe.


    The screenshot of the device manager is not giving me clarification for attahing the file to post here. 

  • jetman
    jetman Member Posts: 19 New User

    Hello Laurent,


    I am sorry hat I coud not post sooner, as my computer has giving me some problems. If I can find a driver that could run my original lan card to determine if it is repairable, I would be happy. I still am not able to attach my screen shot of the device manager. I could use some help with that also, to assist your troubleshooting.


    I am also experiencing a delay in receiving the new lan card from a party located in Ontario Canada. I was unable to locate a new card in America. Any help with that would be appreciated also, in the event my original card is not going to work. Thanks for your input.

  • jetman
    jetman Member Posts: 19 New User
  • jetman
    jetman Member Posts: 19 New User


    I sent the screenshot, please advise if you received it.

  • jetman
    jetman Member Posts: 19 New User


    As you probably know, my post with the screenshot was removed by Phil (moderator) to protect my privacy. I am not able to present a screenshot, that I am not sure would require another removal. The best I can offer, would be copy word for word, from the device manager network adapters that show what was hidden in the expanded view, and add it to a post. If that is okay, please let me know and I will submit.


    I am updating you on some further research I accomplished. I located the driver for the wireless adapter at the Acer support site. It's identified as Wireless Lan_Ralink_3.1.10.0_W7x86W7x64_A.  I downloaded the zip file, and when it finished, there was nothing else, to indicate it was installed. I need some help for getting it installed. My original non working Lan card was previously installed. I really hope we can accomplish something with what I have here. Mainly, knowing if my Lan card can be revived. Thanks for your assistance. 

  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,397 Trailblazer



    Sorry for the delay.

    As we don't find the Windows 10 driver, the best solution is to buy this kind of WLAN board:

    • TP-Link TL-WN781ND (similar specs Wifi n/g/b up to 150Mbs - PCI Express). E.g you'll find it here and the Windows 10 driver here.
  • jetman
    jetman Member Posts: 19 New User



    Also sorry for the delay. I agree with you that is has been a struggle to resolve my problem, although I am grteful for the effort you put forth. I was keen on replacing my lan card with an exact duplication. However,you made it easy for me to move, and I did in fact, ordered the the TL-WN781ND. Your research to find this card and the driver is absolutely appreciated. I hope it solves my problem, and in the unlikely event I still have a problem after installing the new lan card, I will trust your skills again. Consider problem resolved.Thank you